Following 6
Aaron Doughty
Austin, Texas β€’ ENFP
β€’ Active 3h ago
Bio: I make Youtube videos, run live events/retreats and help people go full time doing what they love in the spirituality/metaphysical niche.
Caitlyn Heppner
Pittsburgh Pa β€’ ENFP
β€’ Active 833d ago
Bio: I’m a traumatic brain injury survivor with a lot of trauma to heal. I have an intuition my accident had to happen to guide me to heal my soul.
Rebecca Scott
Belleview MO
β€’ Active 570d ago
Bio: I believe in telling a new story, calibrated to who you truly are so...I'm Rebecca, enlightened being and super excited to be here!
Kelly Welch
Tavares, Florida
β€’ Active 25d ago
Bio: Learning, healing, & evolving is where Im at. God/the Universe is done with me playing small & not using the gifts I've been given in a better way!!!
Kelly Garcia
Mesa, AZ
β€’ Active 247d ago
Bio: Exited to learn, grow and heal:)
Victor Oddo
β€’ Active 3h ago
Bio: I am a YouTuber with a passion for helping people transform into the greatest version of themselves.
1-6 of 6
Chelsea Hutchinson
Hi! I’m a 30 year old single mom in Tyler, Tx. I am in an interim part of my life finding how to execute my life purpose 😊

Active 244d ago
Joined Jul 21, 2022
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