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Max Business School™

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25 contributions to Max Business School™
Many of the members want to create an Instagram group for assisting each other at any time and discussing the problems with their fellows... Keeping it in our Mind, we have created an Instagram group. You can write down your Instagram usernames so that we can add you.. Or dm me on @smd_khn07 Thanks
New comment Nov '24
0 likes • Nov '24
Wangatia Charles Ofunya. Thank you for this grear idea.
Ever had your Facebook ads suddenly stop running? 😡 It could be a simple billing error!
When I first started running ads, Facebook suspended my account due to a small error in my billing information. Apparently, it's a common mistake, especially for beginners. To avoid this, double-check your billing details when setting up your Business Manager account. Make sure your card information, name, and address match your bank records exactly. A tiny mistake can lead to big problems, like delayed campaigns and even account reviews. Don't let this happen to you! Take a few extra minutes to review everything carefully. Your future self will thank you. 🙏
New comment Nov '24
0 likes • Nov '24
Thank you for sharing helpful knowledge.
Customers Deserve the Best Service
Not long ago, I awoke to find that I had not optimized the work that I had done on my website over the previous two days. The user interface was not as intuitive as it could and should have been. It needed to be revised. It is tempting to ignore such thoughts. The gap between how it is and what it could and should be is something most people aren't concerned about. Yet when you know that something you did was substandard, you cannot ignore it. If you develop a habit of disregarding your own business (or personal life), eventually things will go awry. Rather, redo the work. Consider what needs to be changed so that you can achieve the right quality level with your first attempt next time. Taking the initiative to redo the work is not a sign of perfection. You are not striving for perfection. Taking the initiative to redo the work is not a sign of anxiety. Customers deserve the best service. Quality that you can certainly provide. A standard of excellence that allows you to be satisfied with your work.
New comment Nov '24
1 like • Nov '24
Redo! I wouldn't think of that, what of the time,the pain, the resouces...but thank you Sir. Indeed the customer deserves the best.
Vital Inclusions for Your Sales Pitch
There are certain vital factors to include when you’re writing a lengthy sales pitch. This applies to both email or online postings. They are easy to overlook, but a potential buyer needs to know them. Items I often see omitted include: * What is it? Have you been explicit and unambiguous about the kind of thing you’re selling? Whether it is a CD or DVD, bracelet or earrings, online or in-person conference? * How will a buyer be better off with this offering? It is easy to promote all the cool, nitty-gritty features. But you may neglect big-picture benefits. These could include fewer hassles, greater earning power, more quality time with the kids. * Who is “I”? New subscribers or first-time web visitors won’t know who “I” refers to unless you tell them who “you” are. * Why should we believe you? Credibility boosters like testimonials, media accolades, years in business provide reassurance. * How much, and how can people pay? Don’t make the price difficult to find, and name the methods of payment accepted. * But what about ___? Your presentation isn’t complete until you’ve imagined and headed off customer worries and doubts. Also mention how people can get questions answered.
New comment Nov '24
1 like • Nov '24
@James Doan I honour you Sir for your kindness in sharing critical knowledge.Thank you James.
1 like • Nov '24
@James Doan Indeed you are helpful. Thank you.
What Does the Future Hold for Small Business?
For those ready to seize the opportunity, the possibilities are wide open. We see the cost of starting and running a small business declining. Smaller, lighter and smarter systems, components, and manufacturing methods are being developed. Intelligent machines instead of people, or people in partnership with those machines, do more work. What happens to workers, and what happens to the companies that depend on their purchasing power? The playing field between large and small businesses will be more level and often more collaborative. For more effective competition, they both will rely on each other’s capabilities. The global marketplace will be more interconnected. Small businesses will find new opportunities in specialized product and service niches. They will be able to meet customized demands of their customers. Technology-enabled networks and marketplaces will better at deploying talent than traditional companies. What will the future of education be? On-demand learning is set to outperform traditional learning institutes in keeping skills up to date.
New comment Nov '24
1 like • Nov '24
Very insightful. Thank you for sharing.
1-10 of 25
Charles Ofunya
17points to level up
My name is Charles Ofunya, from Kenya in East Africa. I am a 57 years 9 months old man. Married with 4 children and two grand children.

Active 42d ago
Joined Oct 31, 2024
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