Bio: I'm a creative, sensitive person who combines journey work with creative outlets. My way of working is very intuitive combined with energetic work.
Bio: My whole life was about music. Until I fell into a dark hole of depression. I had to heal myself and fell in love with The Journey in the process.
Bio: Experienced Journey & AcuEnergetics Deep Healing Practioner. Womens Health Nurse & Midwife 35 years+. Australian of German heritage. Expect Change!
Bio: Journey Practitioner, teacher, artist, sound healer, lover of life fun and adventure. A spark that can ignite a flame. Truth seeker and snort laughter
Bio: I am a Recommended Practitioner since 2010 and an Accredited Journey Life Coach in 2022. My motto “Healing One Memory at a Time, One Day at a Time.”
Bio: Singer, journey practitioner, Waldorf teacher, home baker and a mother of 3 young kids, I want to make the world a better place and feel good in it.
Bio: Seit 2006 bin ich auf "Der Journey" - nun am Ende meiner Fallstudien - dazu HP Psych, Bild- und Gestalttherapie, EMDR, Seelenhaus und nun "Quo vadis"?
Bio: Keeping people healthy through journeywork and homeopathy is what I want
Busy with casestudies and wanting to combine journey work with homeopathy