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Solo Q Solution

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27 contributions to Solo Q Solution
getting high cs
Is there a set way of getting 10.0 cs a game I can't seem to get past 7
New comment Aug 17
1 like • Aug 17
reset timers, watch your vods and think about which waves you missed for no reason, just watch someone like chovy or nemesis lane
Back to Diamond 1
Turns out the real solution to climbing is to stop playing jungle and just queue support. We'll see if support finishes the climb to masters for me.
New comment Aug 13
Back to Diamond 1
0 likes • Aug 11
got autofilled mid and carried, sometimes it's just like that
0 likes • Aug 11
@Josua vnGhln he just sold items at the end of the game bc he died in the last fight
Is the only way to gain points just by spamming comments on other peoples post? Is there a way to link your account to have a lp point system or lp point reward for your hard efforts in the climb?
New comment Aug 10
5 likes • Aug 8
It's to promote activity and conversations between users. The point is to reward members who contribute to the community with the incentives. Making it LP based means you don't really need additional coaching if you're already good at climbing with current resources.
2 likes • Aug 8
@Mario Golden Just keep in mind this a free service lmao, skool was simply the easiest platform they chose to do all of this in rather than making a custom website etc. If rewards are simply the goal then the best option you have is to try your odds in monthly challenges or whatever.
Masters elo hlep
Hey everyone, im currently hovering around 200 - 300 lp masters mostly playing lee sin jg and i need help with snowballing my lead against the enemy jgler as i have mostly mechanics and not that well decision making. for ex: when to invade while also reseting your camps and being able to get as much objectives with a lead. i can go more indepth if need be. Thanks yall
New comment Aug 14
0 likes • Aug 8
I think generally in lower masters, it's hard to consistently invade in the early game, other than the classic example of crossmapping (if the enemy jungle makes a play bot, take his topside, or gank the lane, or take grubs). Rather, I think the main benefit is from taking advantage of lane matchups. If a top matchup is particularly volatile, knowing when to sack a camp for a gank can pay off immensely. I assume you know that Lee Sin is a very snowball-ly champ, which means if you get ahead you stay ahead. So, with the goal in maximizing gold, I think the next important thing is setting up camps with pathing in mind. The ideal state is have a camp ready to clear while you're waiting for a lane to reach a gankable state, or to have camps to clear right after a gank. Good examples of this playstyle are probably from Agurin, which is what he's known for. If you have anything else wanted to be clarified feel free to reply.
Best build path?
Is there an optimal way to build tank vinegar better been playing him aloot more in my ranked games to help practice my late game closing and curious if there's a better path I been going heartsteel into rift maker , tank item ap, rabbadons. If there a better path please help ya boi out
New comment Aug 6
0 likes • Aug 5
If you want to play veigar as a tank, then the goal is to maintain utility with some damage generally. ROA first helps with giving you good amounts of hp, mana (sustained fights), and AP of course. Next item could be cosmic drive, as the MS helps you chase people to cage them, and the ability haste gives you better uptime on your E, and/or helps you stack your passive on minions so you still do damage. Deathcap can be 3rd or 4th, or even 2nd and cosmic can be 3rd. After that is when you want to start building tank. Good tank item options include abyssal mask (cheap, gives good stats, aura passive gets really good value if your team has 2+ AP, and helps you versus mages), deadmans (if you don't auto you keep perma movespeed), warmogs even (can tank for your team, then wait 6 seconds to regen then restart). Boots are simple, lucidity or swiftness boots, depends on how much you value cdr vs movespeed.
0 likes • Aug 6
@Winter Doyin methinks heartsteel as a matter of theorycrafting doesn't scale well bc of your HP relative to the intended users (tanks) + you don't proc it's range as easily in lane when you want to scale it + it tanks your build efficiency. But if it works for you it works for you.
1-10 of 27
Carson Wang
86points to level up
NA diamond jungle/support looking to get back to masters. Kha'zix, Jarvan, Pyke merchant, feel free to dm me if you have league queries 🫡

Active 10d ago
Joined Jul 29, 2024
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