Bio: I’m an Archeologist of the Soul, using Tarot and Tapping to dig up the old bones of past disappointments and create bridges to freedom and success.
Bio: Bearer of the O3 Development Framework restores individuals, society and humanity back to its fundamentals, true nature. Evolving human consciousness.
Bio: A shamanic practitioner, hypnotherapist & Reiki Master. Frontman for the band Rusty Mojo. Enjoy public speaking & helping people reclaim their power.
Bio: Hi Everyone! As a Reiki Master Teacher & Tarot Reader, I lovingly help guide people toward tapping into & embracing their true essence and life path.
Bio: 28* ♒️; ♋️ 🌙; ♍️ ⬆️ | 4/6 Projector = I was born for this. Find me on YouTube @AdventuresinHappyNess or via my website:
Bio: Greetings, I’m grateful to be a part of this community. Thanks for the connection Chris. Sharon Kerwin Clark is my name and I really like learning.
Bio: Trusting Spirit and my higher guidance. I moved across the country to follow my heart. I am on a path of happiness, love, abundance and adventure.