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Sprouht Community

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4 contributions to Sprouht Community
Advices after hurting the person who cared most about us
Anyone willing to share their thoughts, perspectives or how they felt after hurting the person who cared most about you/ or being hurt by the person you cared most about ? How to overcome the feeling of disgust about your own self? How to overcome this experience ?
New comment May 16
1 like • May 16
Oh, I’ve been on the hurt side and it was such a crummy feeling, because this person meant the world to me. It took me years (yeah - years 🥲) to work through it. The terrible feelings of self were rough times. It needed to happen so I could learn from the experience of what not to do to someone else. But also, so I could know how to treat myself. It really propelled me to work on self love and learning my worth. I really had to sit with myself and that’s not an easy thing to do. Journaling helped a lot since I’m a writer. I’d just write it all out until I couldn’t anymore. One can do the outer work to help (work out, hang with friends, spa, etc), but I think to get to the root of it - you gotta do the inner work. And boy, that can be hard. That may be journaling, therapy, yoga, etc.
Drop one piece of advice for someone younger than you!👇🏻
Share your age & your wisdom in the comment section!
New comment Jun 11
6 likes • May 15
I’m 30, and I’d say to those younger than me to not be so hard on yourselves. I know from experience that my 20s had moments of comparison to others who may have gotten married, had kids, etc. With that being said, your path is yours, and yours only. Do the things that make you happy and allow things to fall into place in your life. Don’t beat yourself up for not accomplishing something by a certain age. Like someone once told me, if I did everything I wanted by a certain age, what would I do with the rest of my life? Be proud of your wins & the accomplishments you do make
0 likes • May 16
@William Rossy It was hard to get past those moments. To be transparent, I still deal with it at times. However, I have to remind myself that my journey isn’t the same as someone else’s. We all have different upbringings, which kind of shape us into who we are as adults. It’s our decision to either remain with the same or change our learned behaviors. Mine consists of having to get to a point of - acceptance - which is really difficult for me. Accepting that I may take longer in getting things done. Accepting that each person is like a snowflake - no 2 people are identical, not even identical twins (yes, they look the same, but in terms of characteristics/goals/etc) Accepting that just because something is delayed for me, doesn’t mean it’s denied to me. And giving myself the grace within accepting the things I cannot change. Grace comes a long way
Mental or physical health
What to choose? What do you train more?
New comment May 29
2 likes • May 14
I agree with Yosr - they go hand in hand. Mental health is just as important as physical health, although some may say otherwise. For the mental health, it could be unlearning behaviors, practicing mindfulness, managing stress, and finding a peace within yourself. Whereas, physical may be going to the gym, or some other release. But to do the physical, you sometimes have to mentally push yourself to do the physical (keeping yourself accountable to going to gym, etc). And the physical, when you work out and so forth, can release dopamine which could lower anxiety and depression- hence mental health. A lot of it intertwines with one another, so I’d say find a balance between the two that works for you :)
I'm Curious About Something (Question For You)
I think the most powerful thing we can do for ourselves is immerse ourselves in a community of growth-minded people. And sometimes that's hard to find in person. Our friends and family are sometimes not on the same wavelength. However, the internet has allowed us to access new digital communities that are not physically bounded. So far I've made friends from: - Dubai - Singapore - Canada - Mexico - Ecuador - Paris - Barcelona - Italy And it feels super rewarding. So I'm curious-- do you feel like you have such a community in real life? Or is that something you're hoping to find here?
New comment May 23
1 like • May 14
Personally, I think this platform would allow us to enhance our sense of community, that we may not have in our own everyday lives. Hi there from the US 👋🏼
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Brittney Vega
9points to level up
NYC | Animal lover | Actress | Model | Writer | Peer Specialist | Mental Health Advocate

Active 2d ago
Joined May 14, 2024
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