I'm Looking for 12 Coaches to join us on a transformational, 6 month, 1:1 Journey to create your Half-Million-Dollar-Zen Business
💎 This community gets first opportunity on all our new offers. (after our paid members) 💎 This 1:1 Coaching Container is only for those who want to become the 10.0 Version of themselves and step into their highest form of leadership over the next 6 months. 💎 Comment 10.0 to apply! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This container will help you optimize ALL 5 LINCHPINS that unleash QUANTUM results in a short period of time. 1. Signature Offer: You will have so much clarity and confidence in your offer it will effortlessly attract a ton of "cool rich people" to work with. You know... people who can actually afford to work with you! 2. Self Leadership: Do not apply for this if you are not ready to be challenged on all levels. There are DAILY Non-Neogtiables and accountability checks in this program. No hiding, no non active players... We will light you up 🔥 and help you become the 10.0 version of you. 3. Sales Skills: Over 6 months we are going to teach you the money making skill sets that will transform your entire life and have "money problems" be a thing of the past. 4. Systems: You will get our entire $1M Plug and Play system installed into your business FOR YOU by our tech team. It works seamlessly with Skool and is the same system we have used to generated over $1.5M and win the skool games. 5. Strategies: Over 6 months you will deploy 3 Potent client getting strategies that you can use to scale your business to $50k/m ... PLUS instant access to our Fast Cash Strategies so you can start getting clients right away on Day 1. And did I mention this is 1:1 with a small group of health coaching misfits who are ready to transform their own business and the lives of the clients they work with.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------