Free and Paid Members Within a Single Group?
Hi Skool community – it's been awhile but I'm back baby! Quick question, and I apologize if it's blatantly obvious. If we have a paid membership group, can there also be free members within the same group? If we work with schools and we want to have a school wide membership, can the school administrator pay for a single membership and then we allow other students or admin within the group? Example: BK High School wants to join our paid membership. They (the school) pay $50/month and that allows them to have 5 students and 2 admin be part of our community for no additional charge. Can their primary admin pay and then we invite the other students and admin for free to invite the group? If this is possible, we could technically have a School make their own profile and that's the billing profile and then their members can be be part of it so long as the school pays. OR Do we need to bill individuals so we'd do $10/admin, $5/students?