Welcome to the NON-FACEBOOK Community for Online Health & Wellness Coaches and Practitioners This group is for the rebels, healers and magicians who want to build a smart coaching business online ... So they can serve more clients, make more money, and live life on their terms. Without the grind. This group and community is about showing you exactly how we've built our own multi 6-figure coaching business and the lessons we've gleaned from working with a few 7-figure brands too. Our main secret weapon... An Authentic Community Funnel: How we leverage the power of a non-linear, relationship focused, client attraction system using generosity as our growth strategy. Inside this community underneath the CLASSROOM tab you are going to notice a BUNCH of premium courses and resources that we are giving to you for free (or pay what you want) in order to help you win and grow your business and even get clients before hire us to help you do it faster. . You'll see courses in there like: The Million Dollar Mind The High Value Offer Course The 7-Day High Value Course Challenge - Coming Soon The Likes into leads: Organic Marketing Course The SOULFUL Setting & Sales Kit And More The next feature I want to point your attention towards is our CALENDAR which is where you will find ALL of our Free events. (The events with an 🥑 beside them are exclusive to the members inside of our Mastermind Program and require a password to attend)