Bio: Since childhood I have been on a quest for my eternal self and for my place in this world. Now I want to focus on sharing and touching others hearts.
Bio: I'm a RN passionate about spiritual awakening and the next great endeavor humanity is stepping into... bringing Heaven on Earth through ❣️ connection
Bio: Della Hamlin
Born & raised in CA. Moved to Atlanta 6 years ago.
Current Project: Myself
I'm the youngest, oldest, & only child all at the same time!
Bio: Hi I’m Floridame. My mission and goal to open souls and create conscious perception of the world. We created as unique jar and can filling in and out
Bio: I want to learn how to play the guitar with intensity and joy. I would love to meet people who also are interested in rock music and electric guitar
Bio: Everything is Energy! Accelerate your own frequency so you can exude your higher vibration out into the collective to help humanity shift into 5D.