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Owned by Anthony


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As a doctor, engineer, and owner I had to figure out how to succeed. My insights may help you, and I may learn from you. Let’s make Win-Win happen!


High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool

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Skool Community

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2 contributions to Skool Community
Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone! My name is Anthony Wheeler, and among many things I am a wannabe author. I am new to Skool, but I am looking forward to meeting interesting success minded people. To break the ice; what is your name, what do you do, and what are your general thoughts/feedback about the Skool community?
New comment Jan 22
2 likes • Jan 21
What is SB?
0 likes • Jan 21
@Akassh Ashok Gupta Excellent.
Weird timing: FB just shut down our 1200 member group!
😕 They just erased it completely. "Copyright infringement" or something. Have any of you had this happen? Your whole group shut down?? However, now I'm thinking it's actually a good thing. Because as far as I can see, Skool is AMAZING, isn't it? (This is really my first day, so I'm not talking from experience, just hope!) And I only see it getting better, and more people discovering it in the next few years. That's what I'm banking on, because I am DEFINITELY NOT going back to FB. See, for years, I've been wanting an alternative to a Facebook Group for our Kajabi-built membership. However, every time I came across an option that seemed promising, further research revealed that the actual interaction within groups on the platform was LAME. [For instance: One group I was part of made a significant push to migrate everyone from Facebook to their new community platform. However, after six months of CRICKETS, they shut down the new community and moved everyone back to Facebook.] So, I thought, "I'm not going to mess with it." THEN, two years ago, I saw @Sam Ovens talking about Skool, and I wondered, "Hmm, this could be interesting." I loved the concept. But to be honest, I was still hesitant to switch over. It seemed like too big of a risk when what we had was working. So, I didn't do anything. (Unfortunately, now looking back!) But two weeks ago, when I saw @Alex Hormozi's post on Instagram, my interest was rekindled. I started reading about what had been going on here in the two years since I'd checked it out. And I knew that there would be some great things coming down the pipe. However, we are in the middle of a big enrollment launch right now, and I couldn't figure out how to make any type of switch to Skool without causing a huge headache for our team that seemed unnecessary. So, again, I DID NOTHING. THEN - today happened... We started getting messages this morning. People saying they had been kicked out of our FB group. And as we looked into it, WE COULDN'T EVEN FIND OUR GROUP!
New comment Jan 22
Weird timing: FB just shut down our 1200 member group!
3 likes • Jan 21
That is wild.
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Anthony Wheeler
7points to level up
Medical Doctor | Engineer | Owner | Author | Traveling for the year: Chicago -> Alaska -> Mexico. Next Book, YouTube & LinkedIn (in links below).

Active 174d ago
Joined Jan 18, 2024
Traveling: Alaska -> Mexico
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