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How to make £2,000pm within the next 30 days with Skool - Case study
How to build, sell, and manage a successful Skool business EVEN if you have zero experience Well hello there.. I am Anth 👋 I was able to stop “having” to work by the end of 2020 if I so decided. All from following Sam’s advice for about a decade now. (OG customer, when we just got a file with some lessons in, before he had a website with it all in) Following his advice allowed me to buy my dream Victoria house cash monies and only work on projects i care about a few hours per week. Anyway… Skool is spearheading a new style of business, that gets me very excited… Today I am going to share how I am helping my clients get ridiculous results from Skool. And how you can use this information to start a “Skool Community” business today… In this post I will give you everything you need to sell this as a service: - How to set up Skool to automatically get amazing results for your clients (Sell this as a stand alone service £500-£2,000) - How to manage and run the group to keep sales flowing in for your clients (£500-£2,000 per month) - Become a integral part of your clients’ business so as to protect your recurring income building a stable business - Do not forget the Skool” commission Bonus - My “Showcase framework” content system to really blow your clients away. Helping them make content creation a breeze as well as make effortless sales. Your clients will love you that much they will name their first born child after you. I am going to illustrate using my own clients “Health and Fitness” space. Although this will work in any industry I am not going to share real names but check out these numbers for context. Fitness coaches For every 100ish people they get into group Minimum 4-6 are becoming clients. @ £100-250pm (this works with high ticket too) Adding £1,000 + per month to their business. In recurring revenue. Not millions but enough to change your clients lives if done right. You can easily charge £500-£2,000+ to set this up for some clients and the same to manage the community depending on audience size.
New comment Sep 9
How to make £2,000pm within the next 30 days with Skool - Case study
7 likes • Aug '23
@Brian McNeil We don’t as of yet. My clients have large followings and so that is enough to bring people in weekly organically. But you sure could run ads. I know a few people are doing that. If someone was going to sell this service. I would make sure they only pick clients who have a large ish failing / low Engament FB group. This way you would be able to jump start the process and not have to worry about lead gen right of the bat
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Anthony Turnbull
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Active 81d ago
Joined Jun 26, 2023
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