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Created by Andile

Alphaissance: School of Life

Private • 95 • Free

Discover & Monetize Purpose


Skool Community

Public • 105.2k • Paid

Synthesizer School

Public • 11.2k • Free

The Skool Games

Private • 15.3k • Free

12 contributions to Synthesizer School
See you on the 24th!
I hope all of you grinding and doing the best to show yourself that you are more willing this time to make a real difference. In 20hrs I got 50 leads, 25 Requests and 3 Booked Market Research Calls. Let's go, we're together in this! No man, no women left behind.
New comment 57m ago
See you on the 24th!
1 like • 1h
@Jan Blok Appreciate the enthusiasm Jan!
The Boolean Rule
There's one mistake that stops almost all beginners from making money online. It's the source of SO MUCH wasted time. And it makes it nearly impossible to build an audience or make money. But luckily it can be solved with one simple trick I call the BOOLEAN RULE. // The biggest mistake beginners make is making VAGUE offers to a VAGUE group of people promising to solve a VAGUE problem. If your offer is vague, it won't resonate with anyone, it won't stand out from competition, and you'll make no progress. Money hates vagueness. // The solution? Make your business BOOLEAN. What does that mean? Well, George Boole was an English mathematician and logician born in 1815. His groundbreaking work, "An Investigation of the Laws of Thought," published in 1854, introduced a new way to express logic. Boole's system used binary variables, which could take on only two values: True or false. No in between. // How does this apply to your online business? All successul online businesses clearly state who their business is for, and what problem they solve. This takes the format: I help _____ to _____. I help __SPECIFIC PERSON__ to __SPECIFIC PROBLEM__. The problem with most beginners, is the PERSON they help and the PROBLEM they solve are vague. They are not BOOLEAN. For example, if you help someone "get in shape". And then you ask 1,000 people "is that person in shape?" some would say "yes" and some would say "no". Which means that the offer is vague. And will be hard to sell. In contrast, if you help someone "lose 20lbs of fat" now there is no debate if that happened or not. It is simply true or false. It is BOOLEAN. Make sense? // By making who you help and what you solve BOOLEAN your offer will resonate significantly more, you will be able to stand out against competition, and money will flow to you far quicker. Money loves specificity. Here's 12 examples to drill it home. // Specific problem: Before: "To beat bad habits" After: "To stop fapping to anime"
New comment 33m ago
The Boolean Rule
2 likes • 16h
I help beginner creators go from 0-100k Followers on Instagram in 6 months doing what they love without worrying where their next dollar will come from
Just Got My First $20 Online
I just got off a call with a new member of my community. I ran him through the DM script Andrew gave us and everything worked out great. I even went on to ask him if he was free right now, which he was, so we quickly hopped on a call. Then I once again ran him through Andrew's Call script, and even though I messed up more than I would like to admit, everything worked out great. I decided to pitch him on my 4-week 1-1 coaching package and used a pricing strategy I learned from Dan Bolton. So he paid upfront and I'm transferring the money from my PayPal to my bank account right now. Let's fricking go, baby! PS: All thanks to @Andrew Kirby, I literally didn't do anything new, just did exactly what he said and immediately got results.
22 members have voted
New comment 1d ago
Just Got My First $20 Online
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Cohort Attendees! I'm being honest. DEAD HONEST. If one of you, never make a single dollar from your community after being mentored for FREE from an expert who showed up to the 3rd call even if he's suffering from a cold... If you don't at least make progress learning from someone who showed up for YOU regardless of his health, will just mean you're ungrateful and aren't willing. I saw today, that Andrew is a true teacher. His an example of goodwill. And for the fact that he showed up for us today even though his health told him otherwise, I hereby sacrifice my comfort to achieve the results this man sacrificed his health to help us get there. My service to you is my results, that way I show you that all those calls didn't go to waste. That your time was well spent. As you said a year ago, when asked why you're helping YouTubers rich...and the first thing that you said, was.... "Selfless reasons..." Thank, and I will see you on the 24th of July
New comment 4d ago
1 like • 4d
@John McMeniman 🔥😄Let'sss goooo brother!
0 likes • 4d
@Zach Tyler Brrrroooooooooo!!!
Want to spend 1-day with me in person? (THE SYNTHESIZER GAMES)
I've grown multiple businesses to $100,000/month. So imagine what would happen to your online business if we spent a full day together masterminding. Entering THE SYNTHESIZER GAMES. // For a long time I've watched people inside of Synthesizer School spend months, even years, focused on creating content and ignoring monetization. This is a mistake. So I'm pivoting Synthesizer School to focus on monetization. I'm not saying "don't make content". I'm saying "figure out monetization, then create content." This way your content will actually make you money, instead of just waiting for years hoping'you'll go viral, then praying you'll monetize well. // In the last couple weeks I revealed the fastest path for beginners to monetize. If you haven't seen the post already, check it out now before reading on. Previous to this cohort, I'd only told this to one person. And he went from Government Welfare to making $10k/month within 6 months, and $30k/month within 12 months. Here's proof. This works. And it works well. And it works fast. // Summarized, the model is this: Free Skool → high-ticket service/coaching. The fastest path to monetization is to start a free Skool community, then use it to upsell people into high-ticket 1 on 1 coaching or done-for-you service. Again, if you're not fully sold, read this post and watch the full video. // So to make this fun, I'm turning it into a competition. Prize 1: Whoever gets the most new group members gets to hang in-person with me for a full day in-person, to create a full personalized monetization roadmap for your business (worth $50,000). Prize 2: Everyone who gets 20 members gets free tickets to a virtual workshop where we'll go deep on group monetization. This will cover everything needed to make a full-time living online (worth $5,000).
New comment 10h ago
Want to spend 1-day with me in person? (THE SYNTHESIZER GAMES)
1 like • 5d
I look forward to the winner by the end of this! Currently at 17 members in just 15 hours after launching.
1 like • 4d
@Andrew Kirby Thanks bro. It's really tough, but that's what I really love about it. It's like the Olympics. Thanks for the challenge.
1-10 of 12
Andile Zaro
25points to level up
My name's Andile, and I'm a purpose coach helping young men and women aged 18-31 struggling with clarity discover and monetize their true purpose

Online now
Joined Jun 24, 2024
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