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4 contributions to Indie App Dev Forum
would you use Keyword Hunting Saas?
i am considering to build a tool which will provide to hunt keywords. would you use it? if yes what would be your expectations from such SaaS?
New comment 21d ago
my thoughts about Cursor IDE
hi all 👋 i shared a thread on twitter and wanted to share it in here as well since i think some of guys may be interested: twitter link: 1️⃣ I've been developing my new app using Cursor AI, and I can't wait to share the pros and cons with you in this thread. For those who don't want to read it all: I highly recommend it!! 2️⃣ For those who don't know, Cursor is an AI-powered IDE based on VS Code. You can import your settings, extensions, etc., when you install Cursor—which is great! 3️⃣ I'm using Cursor to develop a Flutter application. While it's not yet convenient for Android and iOS development—since there are no extensions for Android Studio or Xcode—you can copy and paste code from Cursor for now. I believe official extensions will come soon. 4️⃣ For Flutter development, it's incredibly useful. Let's dive into how I used it, starting with the pros: 5️⃣ If you're familiar with your framework—be it Flutter, JS, or others—Cursor will be very helpful. First, to use it efficiently, enable "Composer" mode (disabled by default). Press Cmd+Shift+P and search for "Composer" in the IDE. 6️⃣ Composer mode lets you create classes, structures, functions, and more with just one prompt. Then the magic happens ✨. For example, I used the prompt: "Create a detail screen, use provider state management, and implement clean architecture." It generated the necessary code and architecture for me! 7️⃣ Cursor doesn't automatically apply changes; you choose which ones to accept—like merging changes from another branch. If you don't like the generated code, you can delete it, rewrite it yourself, or give a new prompt to have Cursor rewrite it. 8️⃣ Press Cmd+K to do hot fixes or requests in a single line with a prompt—super useful! Plus, pressing Cmd+L lets you interact with a class, adding specific features or making targeted fixes. 9️⃣ You can choose from several AI models; I'm using Sonnet 3.5. Pick the one that suits your needs best.
New comment Oct 5
keyword suggestion
planning to buy a new keyboard for just programming purpose. which should be comfortable, looks good and convenient for progrraming. any suggestion?
New comment Sep 24
14" or 16" MacBook Pro for programming?
I almost bought a 14" M3 Max and now when M4 is coming I'm getting into an internal debate about 14" vs 16" again. I think that 16" is better for programmers and content creators, but I would like to try how it is live with 14" MBP Which one would you choose and why?
63 members have voted
New comment Oct 2
14" or 16" MacBook Pro for programming?
4 likes • Sep 21
i stop using 14” around 7 years ago. i was super ok with it but 4-5 months ago i had a chance to use one of my friends 14” mac and i started to thinking why i have been using 16” as the other option is way much convenient for those who works from coffee etc(remotely but generally prefer to go outside). so i will definitely use 14” next time :D it fits with table, plus carrying it is easier compared to 16
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Ali Gürelli
10points to level up
have been developing mobile apps for 11 years.

Active 3d ago
Joined Sep 8, 2024
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