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23 contributions to SpiritLed Business Community🪬
How long do we have access?
I’m catching up on the videos, I’m finding each ‘day’ of the challenge takes me 2-3 days to complete. I definitely want to get through the whole course this week. How long do we have access to the online videos and resources? Grateful for the guidance and support in this free challenge, it’s much more in-depth than I expected and I want to take full advantage of it 🙏 Thank you so much!
New comment Jul 16
1 like • Jul 16
And, if the videos will be taken down, I think it would be a great idea to keep the page, so we can keep connecting with, and supporting eachother while mastering this and growing our business
Improved HM3 I wanted to get better at Carousels so I have just uploaded a second one which I think is way better already.
New comment Jul 16
2 likes • Jul 16
Yeah man, this one got a strong hook. I found myself wanna read all the way til the end. Great example of a good carousel 🎠
Hey guys, I'm Alex 👋
Hey guys! I'm Alex. It's a joy connecting with you all. I'm a painter, so I share my understanding and way of life and self through art. My wish is to impact and inspire people through my art, as well as my writings based on that which impacts what and how I paint. The heart of all that is the recognition of the essential being that we are, as well as the integration of that into an ordinary human life with its human challenges, imperfections and limitations. In my understanding we cannot escape our humanity, but we can be lovingly awake to our true nature in the midst of life, moment to moment, no matter how scary, painful or heartbreaking it is. I am here, joining this challenge, in order to improve and refine my way of showing up and reaching out to the world through social media. I definitely have a lot to learn as this is definitely not my strong side. On a related note, I also want more engagement in my posts, and of course be better at materialising it all into sales. It's been a joy to read through your introductions and read your stories and the ways you are showing up in the world, as well as the way you intend to move forward. The world clearly needs people like you. A funfact about me... The bone in my nose is very elastic, so I can squeeze my nose completely flat without any problems or pain😄 Here is a picture of me and my girlfriend, as well as a little painting I made earlier this year.
New comment Jul 22
Hey guys, I'm Alex 👋
0 likes • Jul 14
@Rafael Tobon Escobar 🙏🏻
0 likes • Jul 14
@Enrique Gonzalez Unfortunately no, I gave it as a gift to my sister
Homework day 2 - The divine wisdom in the art of an abusive narcissist.
Here is something i wrote today. About 3500 letters... The divine wisdom in the art of an abusive narcissist. Many people don’t like Picasso, especially because of the way he was in his relationships with men and women. How badly he treated people, especially women. And they are right. In that area he was truly horrible. Therefore they may brush him away as nothing but an abusive narcissist. And they might brush away his art in the same swipe. But by doing so, they would miss out on great wisdom that are imbedded in his art. Wisdom that is imprinted in his very brushstrokes, which tells about his sense of freedom when he is painting. Wisdom that can teach us a lot about the degree in which we allow ourself to embody a sense of freedom, playfulness and grace while we are moving through life. Let me give you an example from my own experience at the last Picasso exhibition I visited several months ago with my girlfriend. In the exhibition there were at least 100 paintings as well as drawings and prints. But it is the paintings I want to talk about. More specifically, his way of being while he painted. I remember I was standing in front of one of his paintings that I was drawn towards. A large canvas. Maybe 2x2 meters. It seemed very simple. A seemingly quick black and white painting of a nude woman in one of his very own distinct styles. As I was examining his painting, taking it in, feeling it, and contemplating his brushstrokes, I noticed something. A mistake! In the process of painting one of her boobs and one of her legs were completely off, in a way that he obviously did not like. Therefore he fixed it. Which makes sense. But it was the way he did it which impacted me so strongly. To the untrained eye it may look like he just nonchalantly and vaguely brushed over the mistakes with a bit of white paint, without caring to cover it properly, and then drawing the black line of the boob and leg in a different place. But there was more. The way he corrected the mistake was as if there was no mistake there at all. In fact, the mistake improved the painting drastically!
New comment Jul 14
1 like • Jul 14
@Dan Gibson thanks! Yeah, it was after I posted this that I saw Nico mentioned that we dont need to write the but/therefore, but instead write the parts of the content in a way where but/therefore could fit in. It may make it easier for a sense of flow
Hi, I'm Hac Hai
Hey everyone, I'm Hac Hai, currently residing in Bucharest. I've spent a good chunk of this and last year holding space for people with mental health problems. My goal is empower people to take their life back to their own hands and transform themselves with self-responsibility. The main modality I use for it is called innerdance. I'm here to develop an actionable strategy to takeoff my services. In my 20s I spent a good chunk trying to start businesses and learn all kinds of things about sales/marketing. I gave it all up after noticing how meaningless it all was to sacrifice years meaninglessly for the promise of a better future, and decided to work on my relationships instead. It turned out to be the same problem with a different garment. A lack of meaning. So I'm happy to finally find some alignment and congruency in serving people.
New comment Jul 13
Hi, I'm Hac Hai
1 like • Jul 7
Hey man! I live in Bucharest as well. I have never heard of inner dance. What is it? Looking forward to expand alongside you on this journey brother💪
0 likes • Jul 13
@Hac Hai Pham Yeah man, I'm down for that! It really sounds fascinating, but yeah, a bit abstract. I guess one has to experience it to know it
1-10 of 23
Alexander Strandmyr
7points to level up
Norwegian painter

Active 4h ago
Joined Jul 7, 2024
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