I’m stuck, I can’t get out of bed (pls help lol)
No seriously, I try to have a strict sleep schedule of waking up at 7:00am everyday and bro Every time I get woken up from my alarm I always end up going right back to sleep. (Mind you I have my alarm on the other side of my room, I literally have to get up to turn it off and STILL my big ASS goes right back to bed. Idk, like I can’t seem to just get up, turn off the alarm, and step outside my room to go start the day. I get this feeling of wanting to go to bed for like just 5 more minutes or like just chill on my bed going through my phone before going out and starting my day. I know, it’s fucked but I can’t help it. Like u can’t lie, going back to sleep after waking up in the morning feels way better than sleeping at night. What can I do to make getting up easier for me?