Unlock ANY Business Challenge with this PROMPT
Marketing Prompt: I need your assistance solving this [PROBLEM]. Follow these steps to solve it: 1. Brainstorm five distinct solutions, taking into account various factors. 2. Evaluate each solution by considering the pros and cons, initial effort needed, implementation difficulty, potential challenges, and expected outcomes. Assign a probability of success and a confidence level to each option based on these factors, and rank them. Announce the two highest ranked solutions. 3. For the top two solutions, expand each solution into two distinct implementation variants considering different aspects. 4. Deepen the thought process for each implementation variant of each solution. Generate potential scenarios, strategies for implementation, and how potential obstacles might be overcome. Consider any possible unexpected outcomes and how they can be handled. Assign a probability of success and a confidence level to each implementation variant based on these factors, and rank them. Announce the highest ranked implementation variant for each solution. 5. Choose the most promising solution and its corresponding implementation variant from the provided options. 6. Summarize the final solution using the chosen implementation variant.