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8 contributions to Data Alchemy
Being stuck and back to start from zero again
hey, I do not know if you had such problem or not but if you can help with any comment ...think this will help me. okay I was in a bad mental situation last months and really do not know how I can describe this, but you know once you feel you are nothing and you cannot do anything ...I have deleted my social media even LinkedIn cannot be on it much time. just because I feel I am too late every time and I feel it is really not easy to continue ...could you tell me what are the strategies you have to be productive and for not feel such bad feelings towards yourselves ..I really can not explain even but it is not good at to be passionate toward something and suddenly you feel like you are a victim ! or what is happened to your brain ,looks like there is a block , looks like everything going to be difficult more and more specially once I give a look to the market . guide and help if you can please, thanks in advance.
New comment Jun 28
1 like • Jun 23
it might sound stupid but if you start your day right away by completing the little tasks like making your bed, maybe brushing your teeth, etc and then building upon these accomplishments. throughout the day, whenever you know something is going to require only a few minutes, just do it and get it done right away. ive also found that ignoring my emails until the end of the day if possible has helped with my productivity big time
1 like • Jun 28
@Alaa Mohammed postponing clearing my inbox until the end of the day is probably the one thing i do that increases my productivity the most
Why writing by hand beats typing for thinking and learning
Giving up this slower, more tactile way of expressing ourselves may come at a significant cost, according to a growing body of research that's uncovering the surprising cognitive benefits of taking pen to paper, or even stylus to iPad — for both children and adults.
New comment Jun 25
2 likes • Jun 23
ill still scribble notes and stuff on pieces of paper instead of opening notepad or something on desktop. helps me layout and process my thoughts better sometimes
Building NN and fine-tuning them?
Just curious, is there any material at all regarding building neural networks from scratch and fine-tuning them in this community somewhere? If so, where? Thanks!
New comment May 8
1 like • May 1
@Marco Bottaro im looking for actual tutorials to begin building neural networks from scratch. i think google might have some in relation to tensorflow iirc
0 likes • May 8
@Ivan Dilber ty ivan <3
WebScraping for RAG - Pragmatic solution (html2text) - Discussion
-- EDIT: Now, a week after having posted the message below, I have found a solution: html2text, a python package that works surprisingly well. --- -- EDIT2: Now again a bit later, I have learned about the python library "unstructured" that is doing exactly what I am aiming at take unstructured data formats and parse them to the information of RAG --- --- Original question - already solved ---- Hello everyone, I can image most of you have already given webscraping a try. In Python this typically means using either beautifulsoup / selectolax for static pages or selenium / playwright for dynamic pages. This is all very fine if you have a specific website and you adjust your code to get exactly what you want on this specific website.. But what if your goal is much broader and you just want to get the texts from random guardian, financial times and wallstreet journal articles (or any other information source). (for example to include them in a RAG). Assuming you have access, all you need is a conversion from html to txt. This is a much broader and seamingly much simple task. I have found out, that it unfortunately is not easy at all. There are some website extensions, but we want to use python here. I have tried the readability library, as well as the newspaper library, the results for both are rather poor. Here an overview article: Ujeebu (SaaS service) works rather well, even though some texts is still omitted. But much better than the other libraries. How are you guys approaching this topic? - langchain loader? - chrome extension - using another SaaS service? A list of APIs for this use case, I have only tried the first.
New comment Apr 16
0 likes • Apr 15
@Bastian Brand so what is the issue: html2text isnt working correctly or youre not using it correctly?
0 likes • Apr 16
@Bastian Brand icic. well, glad u found a solution. u could also just use curl requests and then parse the HTML in the yourself
Introducing DBRX: A New State-of-the-Art Open LLM
Introducing DBRX, an open, general-purpose LLM created by Databricks. Across a range of standard benchmarks, DBRX sets a new state-of-the-art for established open LLMs. - mixture-of-experts (MoE) architecture with 132B total parameters, of which 36B parameters are active on any input - trained on 12 trillion tokens — Llama 2 was 2T - maximum context length of 32k tokens - Llama-like license: non-commercial terms set at 700 million users and cannot train on outputs.
New comment Mar 31
1 like • Mar 31
@Brandon Phillips 😮
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Aj Falez
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Just another bit in the byte.

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Joined Aug 24, 2023
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