Bio: Christ is in the mountains. Christ is in the nature. Christ is in us. I wish we were never cast out of the Garden, but my destiny is to get back to it
Bio: I'm a father of 2 young men & was into "New Age" for most of my life until I came across the RROC & now I'm a follower of Jesus Christ. 1/2 Nicaraguan
Bio: from Catholic, Law of Attraction, Law of Assumption ❌ — ✅ received the Gospel and now saved thru Christ 🙏 never going back. Thank you so much Jesus
Bio: Daniel Olguin, 35, Father Of 1, Northern California. Spiritually Reborn, Preparing To Win Souls For The Kingdom Of Heaven In Jesus' Name. GOD Bless!
Bio: Yo Wassgud body of Christ my name is Nick and I’m 18 years old and I gave my life to Christ at 17 I’m excited and ready to fight and be used for God