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No Labels Necessary

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3 contributions to No Labels Necessary
Sync Licensing
what's the best way to go about sync licensing? I have plenty of songs I feel like would be great for shows or movies and I've been hearing this is a great way to start seeing real money of your music. Part of me just wants to keep dropping and once I get that notoriety it'll be a lot easier but I also feel like I've been dropping to the same/slightly bigger crowds. Kind of feel like I should push my old product hard than once I see real traction of that I can hit em with the new shit. Any advice? Preciate it in advance
New comment Jun '23
0 likes ā€¢ Jun '23
Same here @Sharoyce Antwan , sent you a private message! Really appreciate you for this!
Wassup my people!
Hi, all. My name is Abiel I'm from London. I'm a search/social media marketer (day job), producer and engineer and lover of music and business. In all honestly, I'm trying to take over the world, and who better to partner with that you guys! I'm hoping that I could be of help here also with my knowledge, and that we all can learn and grow together!
New comment Sep '23
0 likes ā€¢ Feb '23
@Xhosi Bascome For sure, I'm always open to collaborations
1 like ā€¢ Feb '23
@Sasha Kelly Hey! Nice to meet you Sasha
Let's Play This Scenario...
Scenario: You have 5 million dollars in the bank. Your music brings in 300,000 a year profit AFTER you pay taxes. What other industries do you branch out to? Me personally, I have always danced around the ideas of my own video game studio because it can be the creative creations of an entire world with it's own rules and stipulations. VR games are also going to continue to skyrocket. I also plan on having extensive real estate because of the real estate loophole pertaining to taxes. Basically the more real estate you have that provides homes to American citizens, the less taxes you pay. Then of course I would look into producing movies and tv shows!!! 50 cent all the way!
New comment Feb '23
4 likes ā€¢ Feb '23
I would first invest in myself, spend money + time to learn how create a New generation record label that utilises technology to succeed. This would branch out into sync, educational platforms, movie studios etc all under the same name to build a brand. I would heavily invest in the tech industry whilst also starting my own tech startup, syphoning and using that technology to further build the record label. Next will come retail stores for clothing and entertainment stores (gaming stores, bars, cinemas, bowling alleys). I would also invest in politicians and those in power. In short, I would conquer the entertainment industry one brick at a time, and build a chain of companies that allow me to constantly have a say in culture and have an insane amount of leverage. Or maybe i'll just buy real estate and skip all of that šŸ˜‚
1-3 of 3
Abiel Obayori
41points to level up
Hi, My name's Abiel. I'm a music producer, Engineer and Marketing Assistant from the UK!

Active 300d ago
Joined Dec 27, 2022
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