I Have A Question... Do You?
So I am a happy disciple of the @Jenna Ostrye philosophy of engagement. One of the things she does (extremely well) is get us to engage and know each other more on her community calls. (If you don't see me for a few weeks, then this is a trade secret and she may have beaten me up!) I kinda thought it was weird at first, but it didn't take long to see how asking even silly questions can deepen the bonds between people as you get to know them. Saturday, I have my 2nd community call - designated as "Breaking Bread" - and I was wondering what questions you might have heard or used, that worked well in that setting. If we come up with a long list, that would help all of us and spawn even more ideas! So, serious, silly, somewhere in between - any and all questions that we might be able to use - slap 'em in the comments por favor!