Jan. 8th Book Giveaway! "10x is Easier than 2x"
You may have seen some of my previous book giveaways, but I thought it was time to do another! On Nov. 3rd, I wrote a post about the book "10x is Easier than 2x" and offered an invitation to a "10x" group for 2024: "What about a virtual coffee group over a specific timeframe to set 10x goals and then go after them and hold each other accountable to see if this 10x thing really works. Would you be interested in joining a group like this? Set an ambitious goal for 2024, a 10x goal, and then go after it in community. It’s like a year-long: - Book club - Accountability group - Mastermind - Research project Some members going after a 10x goal, and some going after a 2x goal… and we’ll see which is easier. There does have to be a control group after all, and some realists among the optimists. I’m looking for 6-12 participants, fairly small time commitment, but a large “action” commitment." I have 5 so far, if you're interested in joining, let me know! We'll get started in a couple weeks. So back to the book giveaway, on Jan 8th, I'll give away 10 copies of the book to the top 10 people on the "7-day Leaderboard" here. It's fairly easy to rank - just post, comment, and get likes! Are you up for going after a 10X goal in 2024?