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Lead Gen Automation Revolution

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27 contributions to Lead Gen Automation Revolution
Deleting this group
Hello everyone, I am deleting this group as it is not aligned to my life and business anymore. Feel free to get all the resources you need by the time that happens (I am sure it will take a while). All the best! Stef
New comment Mar 5
0 likes • Mar 5
Would it be ridiculous to ask if you could archive it instead? Some may benefit from looking back through previous discussions.
I am back from my time off
I am back from my time off and do not feel I need an additional week. I have experienced many emotions and feelings in the past 10 days. Moments of breakdown followed by magical breakthroughs. It was intense and beautiful. I have spent a week living in a guest house where you share your meal with the other guests every night and do yoga with the others in the morning. I learned a lot about myself and received insights and information about what is next for me. I never really took any time off work in the past 2 years and I gave very little space to relationships and to enjoying life. Even when I took some time off, my mind was almost always occupied with "work". Maybe, for the first time in my life, I gave myself space to let some love in for an extended period of time. I had to learn how to do it, and the moments I managed to, they were amazing. I spent time playing with kids, having casual conversations, and exploring Okinawa with friends I had just met, and it was amazing. Before I left for this trip a friend told me: "You can look at the ocean, or you can LOOK at the ocean". And that was my mantra for the past 10 days. We can drift through life, or we can experience it. I feel I drifted through life for 30+ years and I am now learning how to experience it. And it's fucking amazing. Even if I am still learning, life feels completely different now, as I can perceive and feel things in a new light. I also felt that I had so much resistance toward my business as I feel I have faked my way through where I am right now and it has become extremely heavy to run it. What I have now is not aligned with who I am, and maybe never was. I honestly have no idea what my career will look like even if I will still run this business in the foreseeable future. I am leaving myself open to receive more information about my career, but I am pretty certain things will change a lot anyway. I will share more about it as I receive information.
New comment Feb 26
1 like • Feb 19
Welcome back. It'll be interesting to see what you end up doing :)
Accountability Thread - Week#42
Share what you are working on in the comments (copy my format if you want) 👜Here is what I will be working on this week: - 5 LinkedIn posts - 3 emails - 2 short vids - 3 YT genuine videos - Create at least 1 new automation Last week's incompletions: ✨Intention: - To create content that is valuable to people - To onboard 5 new clients with my new offer and change the trajectory of their business by making them incredibly rich ❤️Accountability promise: I will donate €100 to charity if I do not complete all of these by Sunday What is your accountability this week? Share in the comments👇
New comment Feb 10
0 likes • Feb 7
@Stefano Curcio You're welcome. No. I'm not reading through normally. At first I was reading along with a client who was reading specific chapters I recommended for their situation. After that, I read what seemed most relevant to my clients. But since I read chapters 2-7, I thought it'd be worth reading chapter 1 :) It's my second time reading the book and it's a whole different book to me now that I'm a communication coach and see how it can (and does) help my clients.
0 likes • Feb 10
I read the chapter. I didn't ask the questions. I decided not to. I really want to survey Jordan, but he was in a crisis situation without time for a survey. Kapil is not a client I want to replicate so I don't really want to survey him, but maybe I should to see what I do and don't want.
Accountability Thread - Week#41
hare what you are working on in the comments (copy my format if you want) 👜Here is what I will be working on this week: - 5 genuine LinkedIn posts - 3 genuine emails - 2 short genuine vids - 3 YT genuine videos - Create at least 1 new automation Last week's incompletions: - I haven't created the videos and posts ✨Intention: - To create content that is very valuable to people - To help at least 2 clients have their best week ever ❤️Accountability promise: I will donate €100 to charity if I do not complete all of these by Sunday What is your accountability this week? Share in the comments👇
New comment Feb 7
Accountability Thread - Week#41
1 like • Feb 6
Please post an accountability thread for this week.
1 like • Feb 6
@Stefano Curcio You're welcome!
Introduce Yourself! (Start Here - Please Read đź‘€ )
Welcome to the Elead, the LinkedIn Lead Gen community for entrepreneurs. You are now entering a hidden oasis on the internet for entrepreneurs who want to achieve financial freedom by building a profitable online business. Here's EXACTLY what to do first: Step 1: Introduce yourself in this thread What's your nickname? Where are you from? Biggest strength? Biggest weakness? Which content platform is your favorite? What do you want immediate help with inside this community? Step 2: Learn how to use this community to generate clients ------- Best practices in this community: • Try to level up quickly by commenting and posting your insights in the community. • Hit 'Like' 👍 on every helpful post or comment you see to help others level up. • When you write a post, break up your paragraphs into single sentences like I am doing now - this way more people will read what you write, and actually reply. • Make sure your profile picture is a photo of you. • Be cool. • If you ever get stuck, feel overwhelmed, or are not sure what 'next step' to take, just ask the community. ------ Group Rules: 1) No Self Promotion 2) No Selling in the DM's 3) No Spamming the Community Feed
Complete action
New comment Mar 5
0 likes • Feb 5
@Gabe Marusca I over-suggested resources. IF you are interested in what this coach thinks, I think How to Get Clients by Steve Chandler is an excellent primer on how to be a coach and (to some extent), how to get clients. Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss is a very close second because it showed me how to build the trust I needed to coach my clients if I practice it correctly. I found and made exercises for doing that that I'm happy to share.
0 likes • Feb 5
@Martijn van Zwieten What concerns you the most about transitioning from 1 to 2?
1-10 of 27
Josh M
35points to level up
I help technical experts with important 1-on-1 conversations like sales calls.

Active 119d ago
Joined Dec 16, 2023
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