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Solo Q Solution

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Learn how to achieve High Elo in League of Legends Solo Queue with any role and champion.


181 contributions to Solo Q Solution
Elo hell?
Even though I won it took 51 minutes and the enemy team literally had to make a mistake for it to happen. I dont feel like I ever have any control over the outcome of the game and I want to know how I can have that. I think that is what is keeping me in low elo. I don't want to be team reliant because sometimes they will goof around and risk a throw. Also, I have three accounts all below 50% WR but with champions that have 50% win rate or higher if I were to only play those champions will that help me get out?
New comment 3d ago
Elo hell?
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As a lower elo player, it’s normal to feel like you have little control over the game. You can climb to Challenger even with a champion that has a poor win rate—players have done it every season for over a decade. Success is all about how well you master your champion. If your win rate is below 50%, it’s likely because your performance is not yet matching the level of your rank. At this point, you should focus on: 1) Playing a single champion, like Anivia, for the rest of the season. 2) Improving your understanding of mid-lane fundamentals (how to effectively play the game).
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@KungFu Carrot You will be better off learning how to play the though machup as Anivia. There's no sush thing as efficient counterpicking below Master rank.
Introduce my self
Hi, you can call me Lux (my name is a coincidence). Im Platinum 4 player from 2 splits and my goal is reach diamond. Mainly playing adc but i can fill Top and my mains are Samira, Katarina and Riven. I play a lot with mechanic skills and wave management, but I make small mistakes that lead to losing the game, i usually try to help me from the team because I haven't impact on the game, I hope to be able to improve my mechanics here with you, if you want to play ranked or draft I’m available! This is my stats account, enjoy! (I play on EUW Servers)
New comment 3d ago
Introduce my self
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Welcome to the community @Lux Lux. You’re currently playing 3 champions that excel in different roles and have very distinct playstyles. This means you’re having to learn and apply the fundamentals differently for each champion, which can make it challenging to reach top 1.6% (Diamond) while spreading your focus across so many areas. To stay more consistent, I recommend becoming a true one-trick!
i got to silver 1 on my other account
Ok so I've been slacking and I haven't been playing league but more of TFT and in that game I recently got to gold but hey I managed to get close to my main account's rank. Mostly because of life but it's typhoon season so it's not a good time to play league when everything is flooding. I haven't been loyal to my boi Malzahar because I was on my secondary role and I don't want to troll my team by picking a squishy AP bruiser top. I also found a duo in the internet cafe that I'm playing at which makes the game easier :D some changes I did are: - stick to the build that worked for me because Malzahar's damage is one of the slowest in the game and he's an anti-carry. - use my pings more and not go mental boom - focus on the enemy's mistakes so that my team can carry me easier - communicate with my team better and make calls for objectives with my jungler.
New comment 3d ago
i got to silver 1 on my other account
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Congrats on hitting Silver 1! Sounds like you’ve been making solid progress despite life getting in the way. It's smart that you're adapting based on your role, and it’s awesome you found a duo at the internet cafe. It always helps to have someone together on your journey that are on the same page. I like the changes you’ve made, especially sticking to what works with Malzahar and focusing on communication and objectives. Keeping your mental in check and using pings more is a huge step toward climbing. Keep at it, and I’m sure you’ll see more improvement once the weather clears up!
hello everyone
thanks for being welcomed into this community, it is a pleasure to be able to meet successful people in here too, I'm open to a positive mindset
New comment 3d ago
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Welcome to the community @Jacklyn Ogden
I'm not getting any better in fact I'm getting worse I try to scale and all people do is flame me as they die over and over again and then the entire enemy team is fed. I'm seriously just considering quitting the game.
New comment 3d ago
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@KungFu Carrot I checked out your and have some insights on what to improve. Your KDA with Anivia is impressive, so you're definitely on the right track. Stick with her, even through rough patches. However, your win rate is sitting at 47%, and that's where the real issue lies. Looking at your recent 9/0/8 game, you had the highest experience in the match but fell behind in CS with only 5.1 per minute, which was lower than the other solo laners. Additionally, you were never ahead in gold compared to your solo laner opponents or teammates. (In the graphs, you’re the light blue line.) League is all about resources, without gaining an advantage, it's hard to have the impact you need to carry and climb. I get that you're playing a scaling champion, but this is bronze, where you’ve mentioned the players are inconsistent. That works in your favor, too there are countless mistakes in every game, and improving will help you capitalize on them more often. Here’s what we identified for you to focus on: - Commit to playing only Anivia - Visit to explore the builds highest ranked Anivia players uses, and notice how they adjust for different matchups. - Search "Anivia vs Lux matchup" (and other common matchups) on YouTube to see how to adapt your playstyle during laning phase. - Stick to the fundamentals! Goals for in-game stats: - Deaths: Max 3 per game - CS per minute: 9+ - Gold difference @15 min: 875+ (compared to your enemy laner) Keep working on this, and you’ll see improvements!"
1-10 of 181
William Lejre
1,396points to level up
Founder of Solo Q Solution. We help serious League of Legends players achieve High Elo in Solo Q through coaching.

Active 4h ago
Joined Apr 27, 2024
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