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Kingdom Culture Revolution

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34 contributions to Kingdom Culture Revolution
A Little About Me - But Maybe A Lot More Than What You Ever Wanted to Know 😆
My name is MelAnn. I am in Texas - a southern red state where religion and politics are one in the same & if I could lose weight raising my inner - and sometimes outer - eyebrow- I’d never have to watch my weight or cringe every time the fake news reporter on the floor of my bathroom gives me a “status report.” Because I do it a lot and I have witnessed some horrible things said and done in the name of Jesus that I’m pretty confident He would have no part of. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m married with children (teenagers). And my job seems to be TaxiUberLyft driver for my youngest - and it’s wearing me out. I’m going to try to keep this fairly short (but keep in mind that is a relative term 😆 EDIT: It’s not that short! 😬) Let’s face it - context matters which means our stories matter. I have lots of them! Feel free to scan and pick and choose or come back to gather in tidbits. It took me awhile to get to this About Me intro. I get interrupted every time I sit down to write it. My husband has Covid. My daughter is training for a job at the newest God’s Chicken place that is opening tomorrow and I had two crazy things happen to me back to back. I love our police officers - but interaction twice for two separate events in less than 24 hours is enough for a while. (I was a witness on one thing and a victim on another.) Also, I had something on my feed a few days ago that made me pause and reconsider some things. His response to the question “How did you know God’s call on for life was music?” rocked my little world this week. Check it out here - it’s pretty short: So, after that, rather than say this is God’s call for my life - I’m going to say it is God equipping me for His call as a writer, story concierge, Identity strategist, & facilitator of deep dive conversations and intimate (small gathering) retreats. It all wraps up nicely under Story Concierge & Community Facilitator. 🎀
New comment 7h ago
A Little About Me - But Maybe A Lot More Than What You Ever Wanted to Know 😆
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@Lisa Vanderveen What is something you love to do?
1 like • 7h
@Lisa Vanderveen thank you! I will!
Replace Obligation with Peace...
One of the exercises I have my group clients do every week is Scripture declarations. I start by identifying what Holy Spirit is asking us to release and then what He wants to bless us with. Each exercise is planned with the particular focus of the current Hebrew Months in mind - so this month is Elul (Sept 4 - Oct 3) and we are focusing on Intimacy with the Lord as He walks with us. Here is today's Declaration, Prayer & Scripture Inspiration to replace Obligation with Peace: Declare: I am enveloped in God’s peace, unhindered by obligation, and perfectly at rest in His presence. 🕊 Prayer 🕊 Lord, I ask You to lift the burdens of obligation that weigh me down. Remove the emotional weight they’ve left behind, and fill me with Your blessings. Help me see how I can walk in the fullness of this peace, calming every disturbance and finding tranquility in Your presence. Let me experience what it feels like to live fully at peace with Your grace. In Jesus' Peaceful Name, Amen. Scripture Inspiration ~ Galatians 5:1 (TPT): At last we have freedom, for Christ has set us free! We must always cherish this truth and firmly refuse to go back into the bondage of our past. How has obligation stifled your ability to feel peaceful?
New comment 7h ago
Replace Obligation with Peace...
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I love how the Mirror version expresses this verse: Galatians 5:1 1 Christ defines your faith; he is your freedom from anything from which the law could never free you. Find your firm footing in this freedom. Do not let religion trip you up again and harness you to a system of rules and obligations.
1 like • 8h
@Lisa Vanderveen I study in several different versions … most often - The Mirror and TPT reach me in a way that the rest don’t. And it’s changed my life in many ways as a result.
Replace Repressed Memories with Freedom
Repressed Memories are deceiving. Your subconscious believes that by tucking these memories deep down inside they will no longer haunt you. Did you know that it's your subconscious' job to protect you? This memory repression is not done with any understanding of the consequences and for a while, you may feel a lot better... not being reminded of the pain of the past *feels* better than constantly being reminded and potentially sidelined by that pain. But at some point, those memories WILL cause issues - they may not be conscious issues and you may not even recognize the connection between what you're experiencing today and particular memories from the past, but those memories will not stay tucked away forever. Your body will be triggered on anniversaries whether or not you consciously remember what happened. You may be extra weepy, cranky or quick to snap at your loved ones and have NO idea what is going on. Unless you get intentional about asking the Lord to address your repressed memories. He wants to heal the broken hearted and when we choose to partner with Him, our healing brings POWERFUL changes to the world - it's impossible for us to not create beautiful things when we walk in freedom!! Are you ready? Let me know in the comments if you embrace this declaration & prayer!! 🕊🕊🕊 Declare: I am set free by the truth of Christ, who breaks every chain of repressed memories and brings me into His perfect freedom. 🕊 Prayer 🕊 Lord, I ask You to break the chains of repressed memories that have held me captive. Pour Your truth into my heart, setting me free from the past and releasing me into the fullness of Your freedom. Show me what it looks like to live without the weight of hidden pain, walking in the freedom You died to give me. In Jesus' Precious, Powerful Name, Amen. Scripture Inspiration ~ John 8:32 (TPT) For if you embrace the truth, it will release true freedom into your lives.
New comment 9h ago
Replace Repressed Memories with Freedom
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I am a birth mom and every year my body would remember my loss - the boy I didn’t bring home who was with his adoptive family … I never tried to remember bis birthdate but my body never forgot … It does the same thing around the birthdays of my dad and my brother … I now put reminders on my calendar about 2 weeks before so I will not panic when my body and emotions start going haywire. Love this perspective!
Replace Dissociation with Integration
Dissociation - it’s a simple word with profound ramifications. Some of us throw around the symptoms of dissociation like they mean nothing… - I checked out when he said that… - I was DONE when she did this… - I’m driving home from cuz and completely spaced out - can’t even remember how I got home! Very common occurrences with potential BIG ramifications - when we’re triggered to dissociate from people or situations, there’s a root wound that’s lingering from the past… It’s too deep to go into in a simple little post, but pay attention to those times you zone out and ask Holy Spirit - what is the real reason I’m zoning out from my life right now? And spend time declaring this truth, praying for integration and seeking to fully engage with the world and His people around you!! To Embrace Integration Declare: I am fully integrated in God’s reality, experiencing a seamless connection between my soul, spirit, and surroundings. 🕊 Prayer 🕊 Lord, I ask You to heal the dissociation that has caused separation in my soul. Fill me with Your integration, uniting every part of me in Your reality and purpose. Show me how to live fully engaged and connected, embracing Your complete wholeness. In Jesus’ Precious Name, Amen. Scripture Inspiration ~ Isaiah 61:1 (CJB): The Spirit of Adonai ELOHIM is upon me, because Adonai has anointed me to bring good news to the humble; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and liberation for those in prison. 🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊 Want to learn more about Dissociation and how to reduce any reluctance in your body as you declare this Scripture is personally true for you? Join my free Unshakeable Trust Community on Telegram and download these 12 Scripture Declarations with instructions today! Then check out the Workshop and Trainings tab for a teaching I’m going to do right now about Dissociation and how the Lord has me addressing 1) Vanishing Twin syndrome
New comment 9h ago
Replace Dissociation with Integration
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I really needed to hear this one! I strive to be present and not zone out and this is so encouraging. I think I “zoned out” when you shared this in the telegram group for some reason!!! I don’t remember it!
1 like • 9h
@Lisa Vanderveen yes please!
Replace Stubbornness with Transformation 
Stubbornness is something that I have had to address over and over... and over again! It was a REALLY stubborn part of me and I'm excited that it no longer comes up often as I do my work and I love the opportunities the Lord gives me to do a heart check on this every now and again! As I read through this declaration, prayer and Scripture, I am delighted at how calm my body feels - I always add a little tapping exercise as I speak my declarations aloud and pay attention to the way my body responds as I speak & tap: Do I feel any tension in my body? Where? Are my butterflies peacefully fluttering or are they on a mad scramble to escape what they cannot escape?? Butterflies are my telltale sign that there is mindset work I need to dig into around a particular declaration! How do you know whether you have mindset work to do around the truths that Holy Spirit highlights for you as you spend time in His Word? Declaration to Embrace Transformation: I am transformed by God’s holiness, aligning my life with His perfect will and purpose. 🕊 Prayer 🕊 Lord, I ask You to remove any lingering stubbornness that hinders my transformation. Pour out Your holiness into my heart and mind, guiding me to live in complete alignment with Your will. Show me how to fully embrace Your transformative work and reflect Your character in every area of my life. In Jesus' Precious Name, Amen. Scripture Inspiration ~ 1 Peter 1:14-15 (TPT) As obedient children, never again shape your lives by the cravings you followed in your ignorance. But be holy in every aspect of your life, just as the One who called you is holy.
New comment 9h ago
Replace Stubbornness with Transformation 
1 like • 9h
My stubbornness is definitely how I get in my own way! I love this one so much!!! If I’m wondering why something in my life isn’t experiencing transformation I’ve learned to look at how I’m likely in the way!!!
1-10 of 34
MelAnn Morales
343points to level up
Writer. Identity Strategist. Lover of mountains, trees, rivers, etc. God nor you nor I nor anyone else belongs in a box.

Active 4h ago
Joined Sep 17, 2024
Amarillo, TX
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