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165 contributions to CISSP Study Group
Here is the screen shot of the app some have been asking about. I used it exclusively for all my test question to pass the Cissp.
New comment 4d ago
1 like ā€¢ 5d
@Nexar Donadio I don't think I got past 60 for overall readiness but the questions are good prep, especially to note which domains you may be weaker in, in my opinion. I paid for 2 months which got me to exam date. I assume all those that were asking about this app know the app itself is free but only for a limited set of questions....
Wooo!!! I passed!
I PASSED!!!!! I went over 100 qs. Soon as that happened I was sure I failed, so I was just barely paying attention to the rest of the questions, The computer stopped me at 110 Go figure . LOL Im getting a beer!
New comment 3d ago
Wooo!!! I passed!
2 likes ā€¢ 7d
Great news @Peter Kuczynski !!!!
1 like ā€¢ 6d
@Peter Kuczynski exactly- it *is* a managerial perspective we all must choose for the exam. It is definitely technical and broad at that, but I think after I felt fairly comfortable with a sufficient volume of all domain material (because all is rather impossible for me - I just don't have the sheer breadth of that spectrum of experience), I did my best to focus on the manager/CISO/advisor mindset. It fills in the blanks fairly well. @Nexar Donadio - this mindset really is quite essential to this exam in my mind.
It is possible.....
And right after completing the 100th question! Tears of joy there.... thanks everyone for the good luck wishes, lots of practice questions (and feedback), support and really just thus community!!!!
New comment 9d ago
It is possible.....
2 likes ā€¢ 19d
@Ivan Fernandez Garcia 8+ months. I remember reading AIO lightly last summer, but really didn't focus hard until January. I booked the exam prob 2 months or so ago which makes you have a very HARD deadline which can be a great motivator. Started Jan prob just 1-2hrs a day including weekends but easily ramped up to 2-4hrs a day and weekendseasily 8+ hours. Thankfully my wife "kicked me" to take real breaks and not be totally nuts; it is important to have some downtime (not a lot but *something*). I also strongly recommend stopping studying 24 hrs before your exam.
1 like ā€¢ 9d
@Sow R I definitely used the Learnzapp bank of questions (paid) but I did also use the official practice questions/test book which include the same. I used Thor's Hard practice tests (3 of them) as well as listened to *many* Youtube videos of individual questions, the single 50 hard questions video, etc. I also has a great study partner of @Jerahmeel Madumere where we (over online video chat) did practice questions from a large online questions bank.
90 day journey starts here
Hi all! I am a cybersecurity graduate student in NYC, planning to get CISSP certified in the next 90 days. I look forward to contributing and learning from this amazing group.
New comment 10d ago
1 like ā€¢ 11d
Awesome @Anshul Nowal what is your plan for those 90 days?
Practice Question!
169. A port scanning tool is used to:
45 members have voted
New comment 11d ago
1 like ā€¢ 11d
@Akhil D this is definitely one of those "choose the best answer" sort of questions. Have to toss out B since files/directories is unrelated. C almost sounds right since scanning 'could' sound related to network traffic capture (unless a TAP or or SPAN come to mind which rules this out). A sounds like it could be it since it clearly is port related, but would scanning relate to configuring them? If you aren't sure, keep looking st other answers which leaves D. While scanning for ports does not identify vulnerabilities necessarily, could it identify security risks on a system due to an insecure port being open? Well yes it could. That is the probably the best answer from my attempt to break down this question and it's answers.
1-10 of 165
Passed CISSP exam (official status pending). IT Security Analyst (2yrs) with CC and over 20yrs in IT field, primarily software development.

Active 5d ago
Joined May 4, 2024
Richmond, Virginia
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