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Kingdom Warriors

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Celebrate - We Are 100 Members Strong! & Important Update
Our community is so awesome...YOU'RE AWESOME. [read the entire post for important updates] I want to take a moment and recognize our newest members and our members who just joined our weekly Kingdom Accountability Group and Won-Influencer C4 Group Coaching Program ๐Ÿ™Œ [type in the comments & introduce yourself] Congrats & Welcome to C4 Group Coaching Program: Zach Taylor Congrats & Welcome to Kingdom Accountability: @Jensine Garza @Gloria Majidian Buffy Privet Alicia Sewkumar Shawna Rivera Welcome to our group. It's great to have you: [let me know in the comments if you're interested in KA weekly Zoom sessions] @Tamra Andress @Joseph Wells @Mariama Walker @Joshua Godfrey @Andressa Santos @Rasheen Caulk Jr @Grace Grace @Blake Smith @Sehrish Ashraf @Maria Duenas @Beth Kirk Here's our big update: Our Kingdom Accountability Sessions will now be on Mondays at either 10am PST or 4pm PST. Be sure to check this page here to add sessions to your calendar: Complete Action: Like this post and comment below to either introduce yourself, welcome new members, and/or confirm you received this UPDATE๐Ÿ‘‡
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New comment Mar 22
Celebrate - We Are 100 Members Strong! & Important Update
0 likes โ€ข Nov '23
Welcome everyone!
Haven't been able to be on in a little while, lot of changes happening all at once. I am finally moving across the country! Praise the lord!
New comment Oct '23
It is now 6:50 in the morning. I prayed 20 minutes ago. I prayed (the same prayer every morning): "God, will you make Your Voice clearer than the noise of my life? Help me to recognize the people and events You use to get my attention. Open my heart and my mind to understand Your Word in all passages in the Bible." Suddenly "BOOM!" God makes it clear to me>mission>His Way>His Truth>His Will> that He wants through me> through the gift> He gave me is everything I need to help children and women. A few days ago, I started following a young woman on Instagram (a Believer who spends time in nature with the Bible in her hand and heart, and in her own ways touches hearts through God's Word) who published the profile @twin_tribe_culture_foundation on her Instagram story. TTCF is a Christian-based foundation formed in 2018 focused on helping street children and orphans through their orphanage and different outreaches. Since there is a lot of them, they need help in any way: clothes, shoes, books, picture books, notebooks, writing and drawing accessories, toys, hygiene products and money as a donation. This morning, God opened my eyes in what way I can help through my work&mission and do His Will. I cannot describe the JOY IN MY HEART. BURNING I feel in my soul. I am so THANKFUL to GOD that I wasn't in a hurry, that I was patient and felt this "beyond everything" meaning, goal and purpose in small details, small steps. Only God knows that I have been waiting(to understand) this for 22 years since I lost my baby and became infertile at the age of 19 due to a serious complication. God is the only reason I made it this far. Finally EVERYTHING makes sense. Now, I fully understand God's plan for me. Now I understand why I lost the two most important people in my life so early - my parents, and how God gave me the strength (which I didn't understand where I was getting it from) to go through the storm I was faceing. I feared it would end suicidel. I struggled, I got addicted to alcohol, pills, cigarettes. I got sick mentally and physically. I wanted to get out of myself alive from sadness and pain.
New comment Jul '23
1 like โ€ข Jul '23
That is amazing! God works in mysterious ways, but it is always for our best benefit in his plan. Thank you for sharing! :)
My vision board
Well....... What do you think?
New comment Jul '23
My vision board
1 like โ€ข Jul '23
It looks great. I love your goals. :)
Hello! Welcome to the Kingdom Warriors Skool ๐Ÿ™Œ This Skool aims to help Entrepreneurs, Content Creators, and Coaches/Consultants become Kingdom Warriors [on purpose for Kingdom Impact] and reach Financial Freedom by mastering the ins and outs of value-based connecting and marketing online through simple, viral, and impactful content. Start by checking out these links. - Classroom [free training & entrepreneur bible studies] - Work With Austin To kick things off, Like this post & comment below introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. Your name 2. What project[s] you're currently focused on 3. End your post with "I AM A KINGDOM WARRIOR" See you in the comments!
New comment Mar 11
2 likes โ€ข Jul '23
Hello all! My name is Elizabeth Olson aka Liz. I am currently working on my house/dog sitting business and following where God leads me. I AM A WON-INFLUENCER
1-5 of 5
Eliz Olson
15points to level up
I am an overcomer who loves the Lord, nature, traveling stories and good people. I also enjoy gaming and connecting with people from all over

Active 305d ago
Joined Jul 12, 2023
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