75 Day Challenge 2.0 Starts Today
Today is Friday October 18th 2024. In 75 Days you could be in the Best Shape of your Life but it will be hard and uncomfortable. This will not only transform you entire body it will Transform you entire life because for 75 days you will get out of your Comfort Zone and Finally Do What you have been promising yourself you would do for years. For 75 Days - Excuses Stop - We will go to bed early every night, write down the 1 Big Thing we have to do the next day and send it to your accountability friend that will hold you accountable to doing the One Important and Hard Thing every morning, We will wake up before the sun and immediately get our daily workout and complete it before our friends, family and kids wake up. We will eliminate breakfast and all of the bad daily habits (like night-time eating) and more than 2 hours of Regrettable Screen Time, and replace it with Walking 10,000 steps per day. Even two daily brisk 30 minute walks can be the difference between fat and fit. You got this and all you have to do is login daily to watch a very short video to keep you motivated, educated and on track. Cant wait to see your results weekly in private WhatsApp group. New Years Eve may be the first time we take our shirts off and dance on tables popping Champaign celebrating our new bodies and our new unstoppable drive to win. Lets do this now!