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Live Call With Dan Khan is happening in 18 hours
Introducing myself
Hi y’all, I’m Frankeli, I’m 17 y/o and I’m from the Dominican Republic. My goal in life is to be the first millionaire in my family
I started dropshipping business just this year alone, my total sales skyrocketed to nearly 250k. Surprisingly, all it took was trying out five products and voila! If you're a beginner looking to kickstart your sales, I'm here to lend a hand. Simply comment "help" and I'll walk you through my step-by-step process of achieving such impressive sales with minimal investment. I'll explain everything . Even though I've not started marketing yet....Hoping to start soon
New comment 19d ago
Mentor need
Hi I'm ahmad imnew joined this group i wato learn about this and then earn to fo work i nea mwntor who can help me
Just a Introduction Of myself
Hi, Myself Yash Kamble I am here to make online money but don't know how to! If only could anyone help me for making money I would be more glad
New comment 19d ago
New Member Introduction
Hello, just joined and looking forward to learning about marketing! 🀠
New comment 19d ago
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