A few Take-a-way's from today...(or at least have settled in today).
The RESULT Based Offer is the Biggest key factor about this whole deal...and getting people to pay $10k for your offer...
The Next most important piece is the Leverage factors... Like Fulfillment (in a group setting, so if it is 2 sales or 10 or 100, it takes the same effort/time to fulfill),
AND doing JV's with people (to leverage their audience) that have the group of the right people for your offer that want the result(s) you offer..
A secret to growth... Be in the room!... with the right type of people. (You might catch some really good, "poor belief" busting ideas.)
And then "Belief that this works" and it can work for you, when done right, or close to right.
What are have been YOUR Take-a-ways?