For those looking to understand the basics of TikTok for wide reach. We are seeing this same approach across brand accounts, but I thought it would be best to use my personal account for examples.
So this clip from my podcast did 680k views.
It's been live for around 3 weeks, and pulls about 2-5k views a day.
I only have 5.5k followers on TikTok, so it's a very new account.
The biggest reason why we know this video did well was the creative, and in particular the metric 'Watched Full Video", which for this video was 41%.
What we saw after posting the first version of this video, was even in low view the video needs to stay above 50% watched full video. As the video gains more and more views, this metric needs to stay high, if a video drops down below this it will stop performing.
We have seen this across multiple accounts, and often refer to it as retention, but not the first few seconds the WHOLE video.
How can you improve this metric in your video?
Well the 2 biggest areas for us, our the on screen title, and storytelling in the video. The biggest impact we have seen across multiple accounts to improve performance is natural storytelling.
Drop me a comment if you have questions!