30-Minute Vision Quest
Private group
16 members
$19 /month
You’ve been called here by something deeply inherent.
Something you were born with.
A wisdom far more significant than you can currently comprehend.
You feel it in the pit of your stomach, in your heart when you’re alone and quiet, considering your next life move or transition.
You sense that you're on a path that is no longer meant for you.
You are here to nurture and embrace these feelings. You are here to turn these feelings—this Calling—into tangible, inspired action.
You are here because you are no longer willing to tolerate not knowing who you truly are and what you are here to do.
You are here to Let Go.
You are here to BE.
What to Expect:
  • Life Guide with 30+ Video/Written resources
  • Vision Sessions - Live Fortnightly calls
  • Interactive Community discussions
  • Weekly Insights and prompts to help you unpack your lessons
Note: There are no Guarantees or money back. Take responsibility - Visit my FB page to get to know me better and ensure we're a fit. https://www.facebook.com/latimerlogic
30-Minute Vision Quest
A Daily Practice of slowing down to create an inspired life filled with meaning and purpose.
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