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3.2k members
Start your 30 Day trial & join the 28Pilates community to learn how to build your dream body using pilates with access to live support calls, courses and exercises hand-picked by your instructor to build your dream body no matter where you start!
What’s included inside the 28 Pilates community?
βœ… 28-Day Pilates Challenge
βœ… Live Support Calls
βœ… Access to HOURS of custom pilates courses & trainings from an instructor
βœ… Accountability Partner Network
βœ… Meal Prep & Nutrition Course
βœ… Travel Series Workout
βœ… Chair Pilates Workout & More!
Start your 30 trial today and get ready to sweat! πŸ’¦
(If you did not buy the reformers on our website, make sure to purchase it on our website first at 28pilates.com)
Join the World's First At-Home Pilates Community Focused on Helping you Develop the Best Version of Yourself! πŸ’ͺ
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