PRE-MARKET MODEL (15m 142 Inversion)
7AM NYKZ allows us to scout signatures, we look on 15m due to low volume. 15m 142s can be seen as inversion set ups in pre-market ONLY (15m 142s do NOT get inverted in NY w/ high probability due to all the session volume). 15m -142 in discount at HTF POI closes at 7:29:59 so post 7:30 we can scout a Fractal Hunt (FH) and Fractal Entry (FE) [has to be 10pt signature range as always]. Target 40pts seeing its counter macro, that is low hanging fruit. INSTITUTIONAL MARKET STRUCTURE:
...we returned to an uncapped 1H BISI from thanksgiving week Friday which we filled, establishing an ITL.
James B. Norman
PRE-MARKET MODEL (15m 142 Inversion)
One For Two Traders
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