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Welcome to Viral Video Creators! Watch this first.
Viral Video Creators is a free community for anyone who is interested in making short-form video content for social media and wants to learn how to get more views. Who am I and why should you listen to me? Hi, I'm Matt - CEO of 10X Content and creator of the Viral Video Creators community. 10X Content is a short-form content agency. We create videos for our clients and manage their social media with one simple goal - get a ton of views. I've figured out how to do this consistently by making videos in a very specific way (which I'll teach you in this group). In fact, in just 8 months of posting videos on my own account I've achieved millions of views across all of my channels and have grown to over 60k followers on Instagram. My client Vanessa got 100k views on her 14th video on TikTok....starting with 0 followers. If you're making content for social media you need to learn my formula. Join today: Get feedback and answers from me and the community Free Viral video course More coming!! What should you do next? Interact with other posts in the community (like, comment, etc) to unlock the free "Viral Video Course." Then head to the classroom tab to get started.
New comment Feb 3
Welcome to Viral Video Creators! Watch this first.
One simple change got me 1 Million views
To prove that hooks are EVERYTHING....I posted the same video twice with just two different hooks. Only the first few seconds are different. The rest of the video is exactly the same. The crazy part is the difference it made. One version only got 1,276 views. The other got 1 MILLION FREAKING VIEWS!!! Here's a quick breakdown (more details in the viral video course): Here are the two hooks: 1,276 video: "Here's how I film all of my videos on my iPhone." 1M video: "The iPhone 15 switching to USB-C is a way bigger deal than you think." Why the 1276 video flopped: 1 - Not relatable. Not very many people make videos. Too niche. 2 - Not very exciting or controversial. 3 - The image of the iPhone does not come up for a few seconds. People don't know what it's about within one second. Why the 1M video killed: 1 - More relatable. Anyone with a smartphone is immediately interested. 2 - Controversial. I specifically wrote this hook so that android users would flip out in the comments. And it worked. 3 - The image of the iPhone comes up immediately and I start with "The iPhone 15" so everyone knows what the video is about in the first second. 4 - This came out shortly after the iPhone 15 came out so it was very relevant. Much more relevant than "how I film videos on my iPhone." Takeaway: Always plan your hooks ahead of time, don't just wing it. The hook has to be perfect or no one will even see the rest of the video. It should be as clickbaity as possible without overpromising or lying about the rest of the video. Follow this checklist: 1 - Is it clear what the topic is within the first second? 2 - Do I have an image to support the hook? 3 - Is it controversial or exciting? 4 - Is this something that people will want to comment and share? Link to the 1 Million view video:
New comment Feb 3
One simple change got me 1 Million views
Course update
So close to being done....will be available by the end of the month. I'm also considering making this a paid group so I can add more benefits and features but everyone who's already here or who joins before I change it will be grandfathered in at the free price. Tell your friends :)
Course update
TikTok Shop Affiliate Content
In Nov I started doing TikTok shop affiliate videos and have had moderate success with 2-3 products out of 20 or so in that time. Any advice for how to make these videos efficiently, product selection, and/or encouraging people to follow? I’m just shy of 2500 followers currently.
New comment Feb 7
How to get 3 camera angles with only 1 camera
I produce professional looking podcasts with just one camera. Here's how!
How to get 3 camera angles with only 1 camera
1-7 of 7
Viral Video Creators (free)
For anyone who creates short form video content for social media and wants to learn or teach how to get more views.
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