An important issue for new businesses!
Let's talk about laziness... Nobody likes to have this conversation, but getting it out of the way early can help any aspiring business decision maker. When you're small you have to start somewhere so let's talk about starting somewhere small: Your community? No Your following? No Let's talk about getting into business with friends, we all know the rumor: "the best way to keep the relationships with your loved ones intact is to not hire them." Is this really true? No Friends can be a great resource however it's irrefutable; working with friends can be emotionally draining. Debating different perspectives and opinions and maintaining a respectful professional communication standard in practice can be extremely difficult with your drinking group. The people who know you best see things about you that they don't agree with outside of work that can hurt your credibility to them in the office. So why is it so difficult to convert a friend in to a business partner? It's difficult because they're afraid of feelings, both yours and their own. : Could you fire this person if it really came down to qualifications and work ethic? : Do you do things that frustate them without your knowledge? : We all know communication is important in any relationship so why are we still so bad at it? : Are your friends the problem or is it you? : First things 1st let's look at some well known caricaturisics that you're likely to bump into (even when you don't see them coming) : 1. Lack motivation and enthusiasm, which can be contagious and drain your energy. 2. Cancel plans or fail to follow through on commitments, leading to frustration and disappointment. 3. Expect others to do the work or heavy lifting, creating an unequal dynamic in the friendship. 4. Miss out on opportunities and experiences, which can lead to feelings of regret and "what ifs". 5. Struggle with accountability and taking responsibility for their actions, leading to a lack of personal growth. 6. Drain your resources, whether it's emotional support, financial help, or constant favors.