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Our Productivity Swipe File
How about we make one right here ? Lets list all the strategies, methods and tricks to be more productive, and post them in the comments. We'll have a master list that will be growing over time. Keep it simple though, just one sentence per idea. Eventually add a link for more details.
Why Investing in Yourself as an Entrepreneur is Absolutely Necessary
Ever feel like you're stuck in the same spot no matter how hard you hustle? 🧍‍♂️ I’ve been there. When I first started my business, I was grinding non-stop but felt like I was getting nowhere. It was frustrating and exhausting. Things only started to change when I decided to invest in myself. Investing in yourself is the game-changer every entrepreneur needs. It's not just about gaining new skills, but also about building the right mindset 🧠 Start by doing this: - Learn new skills that are high-value (soft skills like persuasive speaking also count!) 🧰 - Put well-being first and make sure you avoid burnout 😃 - Grow your network - whether it’s looking for mentorship or peers to work alongside. KEEP MEETING NEW PEOPLE (the most important one out of the 3) 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 What’s the best investment you’ve made in yourself that’s paid off big time for your business? Drop your story below! 👇
New comment 4h ago
Resources for learning how to teach people?
Hey everyone, for the first time in my YT journey, I’m trying to figure out ways to effectively teach but don’t know where to start. I’m thinking about reverse engineering YouTuber’s I think are good at teaching, but if there are resources, send em here for me and others interested!
New comment 8h ago
How to save Twitter threads as pdf on your device.
Twitter is a gold mine of great peoples just dumping their brains on different topics. The problem is Twitter threads are designed in a way that saving them is very difficult. To counter this, all you need is just comment this: @threadreaderapp unroll any of the Tweets of the desired Twitter thread and after some time you will get notification that the thread is ready. Click on it and it will open in a browser. There you will see the option to save it as pdf. OR You can use the print option in your browser and print it as a pdf and save it. Hope it helps. Note: You don't need to install any external app for this even though the name sounds like it. P.s. I will link some pics later
New comment 10h ago
How I Transformed a 7-Fig Company by Eliminating Manual Follow-Ups
I see too many companies are stuck in the stone age. Hoping to scale while barely having any automations in place to do so. I’m talking about crms, messaging automations, tracking automations, etc. With the tech we have today, tons of manual tasks could be wiped off a team's calendar. But they’re not. Because no one asks themselves 2 simple questions… “What should we automate” and “how can we automate it” It’s a lesson I learned a few months back when I came into a 7 figure coaching company… On the first day I noticed a bottleneck in the sales process limiting the entire company's performance. There were 6 setters wasting their time on a low leverage task. They were manually following up on hundreds of leads every single day. So I automated follow ups entirely… And I mean personalized pre/post call follow ups, voicemail drops to increase showup rates, etc. This alone saved each setter 2 hrs. In total the setters had an extra 12 hours to leverage daily. They were now able to spend more time on every lead… Have higher quality conversations… And increase the booking rate as a result. I’d argue, every business has that task leaching away at time that could be used better elsewhere. You just need to get creative and automate it. What manual tasks are holding your team back from achieving more? this can be anything. comment below 👇👇
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