These 'living computers' are made from human neurons
Swiss startup FinalSpark just launched a service allowing scientists to rent cloud access to "biocomputers" made of human brain cells for $500 a month, in an effort to create AI that uses 100,000x less energy than current systems.
The details:
The system uses organoids (clumps of human brain cells) that can "live" and compute for up to 100 days.
AI models are trained using dopamine for positive reinforcement and electrical signals for negative reinforcement, mimicking natural neural processes.
FinalSpark claims these biocomputers could be up to 100,000 times more efficient for AI training than traditional silicon-based technology.
The organoids and their behaviour are live streamed 24/7.
AI is an energy-hungry industry, and alleviating its dependence on CPUs and GPUs is generally a step in the right direction.
That said, using brain organoids for biocomputing is completely uncharted territory and is bound to raise ethical concerns — such as the sci-fi possibility that cell masses somehow achieve consciousness. Or Even... Humans end up being sleeping super computers instead of batteries... as per the Matrix films!
Here's the link to the full sciencey article for any geeks who may be interested:
Personally, I'm trying not to be grossed out, as I don't know where they're getting the brain cells from? - I'm sure it's nothing like any Sci-Fi scenario I imagine. lol
Glen Merrick
These 'living computers' are made from human neurons
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