The majority of us, I think, are selling products. Where do most of you sell? Currently I am on Etsy (not so well) and AMZ, only barely above that PLUS, I'm paying an assistant. Needless to say, I'm not profitable. So I am going to continue through 4th qrtr. but then re-focus and re-direct. My initial though was going straight ecomm (of some kind, I don't have too much of a plan yet) or re-design what I have, open a few other 'stores (games, ebooks and a couple others that are product specific) because I need my foundation shored up. (Like basic, saving, organizing, learning Word, etc. I never did learn those) If I stop paying my assistant, hire when I need help, I would have extra $$ to put back into what I need to. I started building my roof before I had a solid foundation. I know better, I was a custom home mgr. for years. One) some thoughts on that. two) As I need to hire some help, is that something I can ask for in this group? Not SELLING anything, just wondering if that is against any rules. Thank you all for your help, I am just sending money down the tube at this point, although I will make some over the next few months. THANK YOU ALL, AS USUAL, THIS GROUP IS AMAZING!!