We just landed in Vienna with the team - A question for you
First, hello to who's also from Austria👋 (I hope to meet you)
Fun fact, in Vienna's airport there's a lounge for people who mistake Australia with Austria:) (Unlucky)
For the last 2 months, we were in Bangkok and Phuket, Thailand...
It was beautiful and colorful, however, it's not a place where to stay if you want to build magnificent long-lasting things that empower the world...
Your environment matters more than we even realize.
Thailand is a great "play" place where you can go on an adventure, but when you're in a season of creation and execution, you have to be in a place that supports the creation & execution.
The next 3 months for us, as a team, and as a community will be big.
We'll do something we've been wanting to do for a long time...
  1. Set a base in a European country that's calm, "royal" and inspiring
  2. Push out content on a large scale and document the journey behind building and growing communities (both bad and great moments - RAW footage)
  3. Participate in skool.com games (the largest community competition in the world)
We'll do this in the name of going above and beyond our limits, building something bigger than ourselves so we can fulfill our mission: to make successful paid communities accessible to anyone.
Updates will be here. Also, we just added a second time for the mastermind in the #classroom so more of you can participate in those.
+ Attaching you a few photos of the glamorous Vienna.
It's a new week, a new chance to see what we're capable of!!!
Jj Kremer
We just landed in Vienna with the team - A question for you
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