Set The Bar High From The Very Beginning
We've got together 55 member requests in 4 days after launching this community:
  • 32 of them we let in
  • 14 of them we did not let in
  • 8 of them we kicked out
  • 1 left
Why we're not letting everyone in? Why are we kicking out people?
Because we want to maintain a high-standard, high-engagement community of people who are active and not just ambitious, but take action.
From the psychological perspective - the members see that people are getting kicked out and it builds respect and FOMO toward the community founding team.
Most people would be scared of doing this because their mindset is oriented toward short-term objectives such as "getting as many members as possible."
But what they don't realize is that by letting in the wrong people and allowing inactive people to stay in, they decrease the total value of the community and disrespect other members as well.
Disrespects other members?
Yes. Why in the world should Amie who's in-active receive the same level of support and information as Isabella who's active and contributes to the community?
Also, I am a big believer in raising your bar in teams, life, etc.
Your teams or communities performance shouldn't be judged by the best performer, but by the last. If you focus on increasing the performance of the last performing person, you raise the bar up to the whole hierarchy - the middle level feels that, therefore, performs better, and because the middle level starts performing better, they start catching up with the highest performers, therefore the whole organizational performance increases simply by you focusing on elevating the bottom line and increasing the organizations/ communities standards.
Lastly, there's something called a network effect. In simple terms think of it as this: There's a team of fit, lean athletes and then a few overweight people who are lazy join the team. Slowly, the fit, lean athlete's subconscious minds accept a new standard that it's okay to sometimes be lazy and miss workouts. And that virus, thought slowly grows into a bigger, and bigger virus. Fast forward you see that all of a sudden the whole team is not as fit and lean as they were before.
Bottom line: be ruthless about who you let into your community, as the whole community standard is on the line.
Jj Kremer
Set The Bar High From The Very Beginning
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