4 Levels of "Performance" - which one you choose?
First - we saw that some of you guys asked about Friday’s mastermind. It seems that there was a technical issue with it.
To make sure it does not happen again, please go to #calendar and add the new weekly community calls time to your calendars. In this way, you’ll see in your calendar the exact day, time, and place of the mastermind.
Second, we’ve been working intensely on really epic paid communities for our clients in our agency in the backend- that means, we’ll have some cool stuff to show you guys here that you’ll not see in any other course, social media video, etc. about paid communities.
In the last 10 days after the accident, my team and I took our mission really seriously “make successful paid communities accessible to anyone” working our “asses off” on answering one single question: “What are we capable of?”
Why is this such a profound question?
Recently, I had a call with one of our clients who’s a leadership and high-performance coach whom I hired.
And one of the first things he made me realize is that there are 4 levels to performance:
  1. Low-performance - the prisoners who think they "have to do it"
  2. Performance - the mercenaries who "want to do it"
  3. High-performance - the missionaries who have a mission "to fulfill" and usually strive to become the best in a specific industry or on a personal level, become the best in the team, but there's a problem with high-performance because we limit ourselves by focusing on beating somebody not discovering what we're really capable of. Often when we become the best, and reach that goal, we still find our minds unsettled with the question in mind "What's my full potential?". This question only can be answered once we go beyond high performance.
  4. Magic performance: this is the performance that brings us that feeling of being in the flow, being lost, not feeling time passing by. You probably have felt this type of performance at least once in your life, right? This level of performance solely focuses on one question: what am I truly capable of? Without focusing on becoming the best in the team or the best in the industry.
The more I thought about it, the more I understood how we neglect our “magic zone”, the zone where we truly perform at our best…
And, once I started asking myself this question, all of a sudden my focus started drifting away from the most ambitious goals towards the most ambitious actions and habits that can create such a culture or organization that's worthy of achieving any ambitious goal.
What are you truly capable of? On a relationship side, finance, health, etc.?
Lastly, by focusing on this question for the last few days we've developed some epic upgrades that we're about to bring in here and for our internal agency's clients.
Jj Kremer
4 Levels of "Performance" - which one you choose?
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