Introduction - JJ
👋 Hi, I’m JJ! I live in Vienna, originally from Latvia, and I plan on building a community for ballroom dancers.
I want to get these 3 things from the community:
  1.  Support: to get market insights and feedback on what I can improve
  2.  A guide on how to build my community in the right way
  3. Make new friends
I want to complete the 14-day challenge - build, launch, and get the first 10 members for my community because it has been difficult and miserable to run a 1-on-1 business. I see great potential for both parties me and the client to work through a paid community model, make a bigger impact, and make running the business actually fun:)
A secret that nobody knows about me is that when I competed in the European Ballroom championship final, the whole competition was delayed because I misunderstood times, and was on the city's other side while everyone was waiting on the dance floor for me.
Excited to be part of this community and looking to connect with you all!❤️‍🔥
Jj Kremer
Introduction - JJ
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