How About Creating And Publishing A Card Deck
Does writing or publishing a book feel like climbing Mount Everest—something you're just not ready for? Why not start with creating and publishing a card deck instead?
You can design a deck with as many cards as you want—30, 40, 50 or more—on a theme or topic you're passionate about. Before you know it, you'll have your own card deck!
For example, I wanted to help women embrace their worthiness, so I created YOU MATTER, Yes You Do. Each card includes a journal prompt centered around that theme. Through this process, I discovered ideas that might even evolve into a book one day. Now, writing a book doesn’t seem as daunting—it’s no longer my Mount Everest.
If you feel the urge to write or publish something, but a book seems overwhelming, why not start with a card deck? Think of it as a smaller, more manageable mountain that can help you prepare for the bigger one.
Grace C.W. Liu
How About Creating And Publishing A Card Deck
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