I am being asked a lot about why should you give away your knowledge for free..
Two things: You get, what you give.
  1. Why not help others build, one hand washes another! They will forever be in your debt. When you do have something to sell. They are more likely to buy knowing how much knowledge you HAVE and have GIVEN.
  2. I don't have the TRUE stats but we all know that 80%-90% of knowledge consumed is not IMPLEMENTED!
We WANT people to implement our FREE knowledge and reference our techniques and advice.
When they succeed, they will....
  1. Spread the word about YOU and this community.
  2. Come back for more at which point... you have a REAL audience and REAL reviews.
I believe in people and that there is plenty for all of us to excel... as you rise, we all rise.
Let's get some!
Nabi Syed
Building all the essentials and foundational works of any business.
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