Instagram Hack 1
One of the most slept on hacks to growing your page, is simply unfollowing accounts.
Think about it… if there was an account that followed you and they had 100K Followers, but they also follow 100K people, what are you gonna think?
Now say they followed 100 people, now you gonna wonder who they are, what they do, and why they follow you.
For sure it’s good to follow a lot at first, it may actually help you get into the algorithm if you’re following accounts similar to the one you’re building. But there will come a time where it’s time to reduce that following. And the video below shows the best way to do that.
I’m not saying unfollow everybody you know, but pick a number, I’d recommend under 1,500 followers, and stay below that number.
Trent Holden
Instagram Hack 1
The Short Formula 🧪
This is a simple course that will show you the basics when it comes to creating and editing your own content from what you need to how to use it.
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