Welcome. Start Here
Welcome to the Hungry Artists community. We don't believe in Starving Artists around here.
The goal of this community is to take you to the next artistic level whether it's your first day holding a paintbrush or you're already selling thousand dollar paintings.
One of the biggest issues I see with so many artists is a lack of discipline. Many artists will wait days, weeks, and even months for inspiration. I used to be one of those artists until I realized that creating sparks inspiration and not the other way around.
To level up in this community you will need to paint daily. The longer your streak, the more you will level up. Each day does not have to be a 3 hour painting session, but speaking from experience, the more you paint, the more you will want to paint. Streaks will be measured in the Daily Progress tab where you will post a daily update of what you are currently working on. Leveling up will unlock painting courses and extended 1 on 1 art lessons(coming soon).
Painting lessons are FREE for a limited time. Lessons will be through Google Meet. You will have 1 free lesson per week that will run for a duration of 30 minutes.
Post Finished paintings in the Share Your Art tab for a chance to be the FEATURED ARTIST OF THE WEEK.
I can't wait to see how much each of you grow on this journey. Happy creating.
William Ballard
Welcome. Start Here
The Hungry Artist
This is the community for the Hungry Artists. Not the Starving Artist. Join now if art is more than just a hobby to you.
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