Inside 8-Figure Funnel (Full System Setup)
Hey Wealth Builders!!!
I had SO MUCH fun this week, hanging out everyday! Today I've been recovering my voice little bit, but plan to start dropping some more cool stuff in here (as well as the 'One-To-Many Mastery' offer, and the 'VIP Accelerator' program - for those who want to upgrade to the next level).
But... before I go watch some Youtube videos... I wanted to give you guys something real quick that I think you'll LOVE!!! I am planning on posting our campaign results and insights each week so you guys can model them in your funnels, but thought I'd share this one for today.
I published these pdfs months ago, but 95% of the tests inside of it are VERY relevant. I still use this myself as a guild when we launch any virtual event funnels or sales funnels.
  • The 8-Figure Sales Funnels Playbook
  • The 8-Figure Funnels Audit Workbook
Also... I show you the exact funnel sequence we use to increase our ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) in the funnels turning cost acquisition cost (cost per booking) from an avg. $250 to $450 to $1k - $50k per sale!
I hope you guys love it... It would mean the world to me if you'd post your biggest 'ah-ha' from these pdfs in the comments below. The more comments I get, the more I know you guys love these pdfs, and it'll get me fired up to share more split test results with you!!!
Shaqir Hussyin
Inside 8-Figure Funnel (Full System Setup) by Shaqir Hussyin
#1 way to create wealth is by turning ads into profits. 1% of people know how to do this, we call them Wealth Builders. YOU: Next Wealth Builder?
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