why most guys fail in business before they even start
ever seen guys jump into business, only to quit after a few months? they say, "I tried everything, and it didn’t work." but honestly... they FAILED before they even started.
here’s the real deal: if you can’t master the fundamentals, you’re already setting yourself up for FAILURE.
most dudes think business is just about coming up with a cool product, launching a site, and waiting for cash to roll in. bruh... NOPE.
business is about:
1. BUILDING REAL CONNECTIONS 💬 — not the “hey, bro” kind, but ACTUAL relationships where people TRUST you enough to spend their hard-earned money on your offer.
2. GIVING MORE THAN YOU TAKE 🙌 — the guys winning in business understand one thing: VALUE FIRST. if you’re not SOLVING REAL PROBLEMS and helping people LEVEL UP, why should they care about what you’re selling?
3. CONSISTENCY OVER MOTIVATION 💯 — let’s be real, motivation is overrated. you think I feel like showing up every day? hell no. but i do it anyway. THAT is where you win.
when I started, I didn’t focus on the sales part at all. I focused on RESULTS — helping people get shredded, boost confidence, and completely turn their life around. the MONEY? it came after.
if you can shift from “what can I get out of this?” to “HOW CAN I HELP OTHERS SOLVE THEIR PROBLEMS?”, that’s where things change.
so, what’s the ONE thing you need to fix in your mindset right now? drop it below 👇
Marcel Orłowski
why most guys fail in business before they even start
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