Overview of Common UK Business Structures  
There are several common business structures in the UK, each with its own characteristics:
1. Sole Trader:
- Owned and run by one person
- No separation between owner and business
- Simple to set up and manage
2. Partnership:
- Owned by two or more individuals
- Can be general or limited partnerships
- Shared management and profits
3. Limited Company:
- Separate legal entity from its owners
- Provides liability protection
- Can be private or public
4. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP):
- Combines elements of partnerships and limited companies
- Provides liability protection
- Flexible management structure
5. Community Interest Company (CIC):
- For social enterprises
- Asset-locked to ensure community benefit
- Can be limited by guarantee or shares
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Chioma Nwokedi
Overview of Common UK Business Structures  
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